Question about good breeds.


12 Years
May 6, 2007
Dayton, TX
I found a feed store in town that really needs business and they are reasonably priced feeds. She told me she would order any chicks or ducks I want. So I love my RIRs and my Ancona's but would like a diverse selection. What would you suggest? I am building a mini coop so that I can house any chicks away from my older chicks. I have thought about silkies.
I have Delawares and they are great, I love their personality. I also have Blue Andalusian and they are a little skiddish but I have been diligent in handling them so they are pretty tame and very beautiful. The Silver Grey Dorking is another bird we have and they are very sweet as well. I also love our Silver Spangled Hamburg she is a doll. I adore my Red Pyle Modern bantams but they really do not let you hold them but they are a hoot to watch. None of mine are old enough to lay so I can't comment on that yet but so far of all of the breeds I have had these are my favorites.

Here are some pics from



Blue Andalusian


Silver Grey Dorking


Silver Spangled Hamburg


Red Pyle Modern Bantams

I have 4 buff orphingtons and i LOVE them. They are sweet and mild mannered. I also have chicks that I adore. I have buff brahmas, delawares, partridge rocks, blue silkies, and a silver laced cochin. So far I love them all.
I must agree that my buff orpingtons are the most friendly mellow of my bunch.
But I too love them all.....LOL
I think anyone on here is going to say that.
I really like my RIR's, Barred Rocks, and Black Sex Links. I have White Leghorns too but they are just ok. I woudl love to have some Blue Andalusians. That is a good looking bird! I guess I would have 1000 if I had room and $ to build coops for them all.
I must have the RIR's from HELL, they are the meanest chicks I have. All I read is how sweet they are and my friend had them as a child and loved them. But my 2 rant and rave all the time they were ripping the feathers out of everyone else, to be frankly honest I hate them. I just gave them to a nice Vietnamese lady who is going to fatten them up and eat them.

I am really turned off by RIR's right now but I may try again next year, give them a second chance.
I'm still in chick mode, but I have a Delaware, Silkie, Silver-Laced Wyandotte, Golden Campine, and 2 Black Stars (sex links) and all have been wonderful this far. Stevie Nicks, my Delaware, is possibly the sweetest thing ever. She hops right up on my shoulder and nuzzles in my hair. She's the only one who will tolerate more than a few minutes of cuddling and comes when I 'bok.' The SLW is incredibly fun and simply gorgeous. She's also very, very sweet, but quite adventurous and curious. I love to sit and watch her test the boundaries, inching farther and farther away from the other chicks or tasting that new treat when the others are scared to death of it. The Black Stars were a bit skittish at first but have really come around. They love roosting on my arms and make the funniest trilling noises. My Golden Campine is sometimes a little s*&t, but sweet nonetheless. (I think she may actually be a he, which could explain the delinquency!) S/he is gorgeous as well and I bonded with her from day 1, regardless of her sometimes iffy attitude. I make her sound worse than she is--she is really a sweet chick. I just got the Silkie last weekend so she is still a bit skittish, but coming around nicely. She's an adorable little fluff ball and hilarious to watch scratch or dust bathe. I just can't imagine how anyone couldn't fall in love with this breed.

Although my experience is slim, I am extremely happy with the chicks I chose. Each have their own personalities and quirks, but all seem like they are going to end up being 'lap chickens.' I would recommend any and all of them, although I will say I think I see more Delawares in my future!!
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