Question about good breeds.

Ok, I love all my girls, too lol, but I admit my RIRs, though the most curious, are not the most friendly in the bunch, and tend to be slightly more aggressive than the rest (I say slightly because so far there really haven't been ANY aggression probs).

But I have to plug my New Hampshire Red girls here. They are SO very sweet, love to be picked up and held. I brought cheese out to them last night, and after that was gone, my girl Sally hopped into my lap and lay down for a half hour. She is absolutely adorable. Priscilla, also a NHR, loves to be patted.

I realize they aren't exotic, but they are beautiful and super friendly.

Buff Orpingtons are really sweet & mellow. My RRs are also very friendly & easy to handle. I have Barred Rock which I find to be mean & aggressive. Buffs in my opinion
My RIR are the most friendly! When my Husband or I sit down one almost immediately jumps in our lap of their own choice. I can pet all of them at any time or pick them up to hold. I wonder if there are regional differences in genetics or if it is all due to early and often handling?
Love Australorps, Black sex-links and even though I don't have any right now I really like Wyandottes. I also liked my barred rocks when I had them. You could also get an EE, you never know what color it'll turn out, but they are always pretty and good layers (and an added bonus the eggs *might* be green/blue), mine are very friendly.
I think you can make generalizations about breeds, but it's like dogs-inbred dogs sometimes are just snappy and intolerable, but their breed may be known to be gentle. I've had the best Barred Rocks and Buff Orps, but I got a real pain in the behind Barred Rock chick from the last hatch. I started calling her Bitey-girl since she was just a little feathered stalker who plucked feathers from everyone's backs and tails. She was totally unlike any of her sisters or brothers. My Delawares were the same way-super aggressive at first. Finally, after much handling they did calm down some, but one pullet was still very skittish, in spite of their rep. I guess that strain had a bit of a temperament problem. The other Barred Rocks were just like I have always had-super friendly, inquisitive and affectionate. So, I think breeding has alot to do with it. The Bitey-girl Barred Rock was the sweetest thing, totally calm when in my arms, but when I put her down, she went to work plucking feathers.

I have three RIR's the same age. One is the grumpiest, most cantankerous woman and rules the flock with an iron beak. The second one is a pain, hates to be held, takes me on some wild chases to catch her. The third one is a total lap chicken. She gets "The Look" that says, "I'm coming up, ready or not" and she'll fly up to my arm or shoulder or head if I dont run away from her. Then I carry her around in my arms with her feet dangling down and she'll just let me do that forever and go to sleep in my arms. She's a total nutty thing, but we love her to death. So, see, individual differences are the key in most cases. Other than the eggs, if I'd only had the other two to represent the RIR breed, I'd have not gotten anymore.
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