
Shed conversions can be wonderful. If you are in a warm weather area, it's more about roofing and lots of ventilation; lots of hardware cloth and heavy fencing, not so much four solid walls. Most premade coops that I've seen advertised are way small for the number of birds you want to have. Mary
I found it much cheaper to build my own coop and the result is much sturdier and roomier than the kits I have seen. There are lots of good suggestions throughout this site on how to build a coop inexpensively - using pallets, shopping at places like Habitat Restore,......
I assuming that all of Texas is hotter n blazes, forgive me if that is incorrect, but I would suggest you research open air coops.

Here's a tip for searching BYC and one to get you started:
advanced search>titles only> Open Air Coop

Prefabricated coops are almost always way too small for the number of birds they claim, and so are most coop plans/kits you'll find, so be careful there. I suggest that you do lots of reading and planning before committing to a coop plan.

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