I'm thinking slipped tendon. Here some information from Poultry Podiatry:

Fix Slipped Achilles Tendon in Hock Joint
  • Use to treat Slipped Achilles Tendon (tendon that runs down through the groove on the back of a chick's hock has slipped out of place off to the side). If a leg has this problem, the joint will look swollen and the back of the hock will look flat (Compare to other leg to double-check). The chick can't straighten its leg if this is what's wrong with it.
  • Gently pull the upper part of chick's leg a bit behind normal position and then carefully straighten the leg as though chick were stretching its leg back. The tendon should pop back into place pretty easily and cause little if any pain.
    • Some sources recommend pushing the tendon back in place just by pressing with your finger. However, stretching the leg back is a much less painful method.
  • Swelling on hock:
    • If infection is part of what is causing joint to swell, you will find pus. Recovery would be very difficult and the chick should probably be put down.
    • If it is just caused by displacement, swelling will go down in 2-4 days.
  • Put the chick in a Chick Chair and/or put its leg in a cast (such as one made from a drinking straw) for a few days (~5) while re-alignment stabilizes.
    • It is important that the legs not be able to touch the ground at all. The chick needs to hang with them bent and be discouraged from using its legs until the tendon has stretched and adjusted back to the right place and shape.
  • Note: It may take a few days for the groove to be fully developed on a young chick and you may have to fix the tendon more than once.

  • Note that this information is for a younger chick.
Some birds will continue to slip the tendon and are usually culled. However, a young bird in good health can learn to 'peg' the leg and use it as a sort of a crutch.

Good luck!
Hello and I am so sorry.
I had a rooster get attacked by something that tried to pull him through our fence.
It did not get the young cockerel but it did pull his let out of socket.
I Used vet wrap and changed it every few weeks. After about 6 months he was finally able to walk on it and use it. However I had another rooster and they did scrap a bit and he hurt his leg again.
So if you heal his leg you are going to need to keep him away from your other rooster.
They have to establish a pecking order and they make it a regular routine.

I hope you are able to help his leg.
thank you to everyone who replied. I forgot my password for a bit there so I couldn't get to this lmao. but this helps me out a lot! When my phone isn't dead I'll show more pictures but I'm still very thankful for all this information. I'll make a sling for him and make sure he's comfortable. I didn't even know there was a name for his naked neck lmao. But to know I have a 'rarity in North America' is a pretty fun idea! Now that I know what I'm doing, thank to you guys, I'll post pictures of his recovery!

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