Rescued Duckling! Is this a Pekin/Muscovy cross?

Those pictures are just adorable! Lucky duck! And a great lesson to teach your darling daughters, about caring and helping animals. I look forward to seeing more pics and reading the updates.
I agree with Miss L and will add from experience with my Pekins. my Pekins accept adult ducks with open wings. My experience with trying to add a young duck is that you can't add them to the flock directly. They will beat it up. what I have done is have the newbie in a seperate pen./fenced area next to the pekins. bring the new addition out there everyday for 2 to 3 weeks. Then put them together supervised. It has worked for me. Good luck and that is a cute duck! Your lil one is adorable as well!
You all are giving me hope that they will be ok together once the duckling is grown! I had to put it outside because it was too stinky in the house. It's in a rubbermaid tote under the heat lamp inside the chicken pen. (The chickens have big dog kennel runs.) It's all sad outside and keeps crying for us!

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