Rhode Island Red or Brahma?

Lol! I think you've got the wrong chicken lady. That is my Brahma in the photo, she's got a sore foot so she is a housepet until she's better.
Unless you're just wanting a ringer, you're after @thecreekhouse
Maybe my sweet girl on the sofa will sway the odds though.;)
@Chickassan Please keep us informed on which way you go... Remember @Melky and I have money on this. Not that it should influence you on which way to go... but I will give you half my winnings if you go Brahma which should help you with all that extra feed you will need.... again not trying to influence the bet. I would never do that. I am not competitive in any way shape or form.:plbb
Personally Economics say RIR. That RIR is heat and cold hardy lays large to x-large 5 plus eggs per week. Males aggressive, all females not. While light Brahma may be sweeter disposition only get 3-4 eggs per week of medium size. The Brahma is going to eat you out of house and home as 9-10 lb. hen while the RIR is only 6 lbs. easier on feed bill. The Brahma also gets broody frequently. Not good unless breeding. The RIR not broody plus pretty brown eggs. My money on RIR. :)
This comment is years later but I agree about RIR. Mine is as sweet as can be. She loves being held and awesome with my mixed flock. Not aggressive whatsoever. My Brahma though is a pain. She hates humans and will peck the others after we have held them as if to tell them. "How dare you let the human touch you!" She still hasnt laid us an egg, eats everything in sight. She looks like an Eagle to us. For me, I will never get another Brahma. We got all the girls at the same time. I absolutely love the RIR. So far she is laying 6 eggs a week for us in pretty brown with speckles and a few double yolkers.
Personally Economics say RIR. That RIR is heat and cold hardy lays large to x-large 5 plus eggs per week. Males aggressive, all females not. While light Brahma may be sweeter disposition only get 3-4 eggs per week of medium size. The Brahma is going to eat you out of house and home as 9-10 lb. hen while the RIR is only 6 lbs. easier on feed bill. The Brahma also gets broody frequently. Not good unless breeding. The RIR not broody plus pretty brown eggs. My money on RIR. :)
I have a small backyard flock of pullets. I wanted a mixed flock and that’s what I have: one Silkie, one Ameracauna, one Olive Egger and one large Cochin. I have space to add one final pullet to my flock and I’ve narrowed my selection down to two breeds: Brahma and RIR. I’d like some input from others on which I should get.

I’m looking for a hen that stands out visually from the chickens I already have; I love watching my flock so aesthetics are important. I like pretty chickens. I also want a calm and curious chicken that won’t flee every time I come near. I’d like regular egg production and I’d prefer brown eggs to white since I already have a Cochin and a Silkie, both of whom will lay white eggs.

So which do you think I should go with? A light Brahma or a Rhode Island Red?
We have both and love them both for different reasons. Our Brahma is very laid back pretty. Love her feathered feet. She’s just an ok egg layer, though. Our RIR has never missed a day laying. She is chatty, funny & curious but can be a bit of a bully. Have you considered a Buff Orpington? She is our second best layer and has a great, friendly personality. Pretty color too.

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