Rooster Attacks Based on Clothing? Cold weather Suggestion?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 26, 2014
Ok, I know it sounds weird but my rooster attacks me when I wear my USAF uniform. Sometimes when I come home for lunch, I try to get eggs or check on the chickens because it's cold here in ND. Normally, my rooster (I think he's a Welsummer) is fine. I can wear other kinds of camo such as Realtree. He is also aggressive when someone he doesn't recognize comes into the coop. I've been in uniform at least a dozen times around him and every time...he fly's at me. He's also attacked my 3 year old daughter a couple times, so when it warms up I'll be looking for another rooster. Any recommendations for a more gentle breed with a small comb? My initial thought is a Buckeye. Thanks!
Ok, I know it sounds weird but my rooster attacks me when I wear my USAF uniform. Sometimes when I come home for lunch, I try to get eggs or check on the chickens because it's cold here in ND. Normally, my rooster (I think he's a Welsummer) is fine. I can wear other kinds of camo such as Realtree. He is also aggressive when someone he doesn't recognize comes into the coop. I've been in uniform at least a dozen times around him and every time...he fly's at me. He's also attacked my 3 year old daughter a couple times, so when it warms up I'll be looking for another rooster. Any recommendations for a more gentle breed with a small comb? My initial thought is a Buckeye. Thanks!

If you consider the rest of this post in which you mention aggression towards others, attacks on your child, etc I think you will see that the bolded is not actually true. While he may have only come at YOU while you are in uniform (perhaps he's an ARMY man? Lord knows there's plenty of branch rivalry, lol), this is a bird who has shown tendencies to aggression in multiple situations.
What kind of hens are you keeping? What is the purpose you have in mind for the rooster? Would be easier to recommend breeds with a clear understanding of, say, your intent to breed for hatching as we can offer breeds that would give the sort of offspring you want from the hens you have.
Don't wait until spring for fixing the problem you have! He needs to be gone ASAP< before real harm is done. Some breeds and families will produce a higher % of polite cocks, but bad boys can come from any breed. You have to match your breeding goals and climate to narrow down the list first. If you're just looking for eye candy, not a specific breeding group, that's easier. Look at Salmon Favorelles, beautiful and very sweet. In a mixed flock with other breed roosters, the SF cock will be very low on the totem pole, but as only one, he'll be great. My BC Marans boys have been very good, as have the purebred black Ameracaunas. There are so many choices; try raising some chicks in spring and see how some of the cockrels turn out. Mary
Thank you both for the response. It has been a long time since this roo has gone after my daughter. He's fine when an adult is in there with her. I don't currently have any plans for breeding, just am happy getting fresh eggs. I didn't even order a rooster on purpose, just happened to get one in a "Egg production" pack from the hatchery...sexing mistake I guess which happens. I kept him because I thought it would be good for the hens to have a protector. I live in the countryside of eastern North Dakota, not far from Grand Forks. We definitely get cold temps, have had weeks on end of below zero in my 7+ years here. This is my first year having chickens, so am definitely still learning. The only predator I've had was a hawk that found a small gap in the run's netting. That hawk got one of my meat chickens and injured another. Maybe the rooster had something to do with getting the hens into the coop for protection? Maybe its not necessary for me to have a rooster? I know I have one Barred Rock, Speckled Sussex, 5 Delaware's and 4 Easter Egger's. My thought was if I should have a rooster (I do see raccoon's, skunks and coyotes on my property), I'd like one that will help protect the hens but not be as aggressive as this one is towards humans. Since I live in North Dakota, I'd prefer one with a smaller comb as this roo is the only one of my chickens that is getting frostbite on the comb. If he was nicer, I'd put Vaseline on him but since he's a punk...I've let him be. I was also thinking its better to deal with his crap and have him still protect the hens...wait until I have another rooster ready. I will order one in May (easier to raise chickens when its warmer!). Thoughts after reading my rambling? P.S. I was planning on ordering a few Ameraucana's this spring...maybe I should order one roo?
I like having roosters in my flock, it's part of the normal social order. Human aggression is a separate behavior from normal inter-chicken social interactions, and is genetic. Any idiot who attacks the huge individual who brings food daily deserves to be invited for dinner himself! There are ways to interact more effectively with cockrels to encourage politeness, but IMO the jerks will continue to find ways to be stupid with people, and will go after smaller humans (children) and visitors if not you.
Life is too short! Right now I have six roosters, none of whom have ever challenged me or anyone else. Mary
Agreed, the rooster will go. I think I'll tolerate his bs until I get another rooster and he's grown a bit. Bucky will be taken out by 4th of July!
Why are you going to keep him around even an other day? He's shown aggression. It will continue to escalate. You have a 3 year old child who is far more important than any rooster. You certainly don't want to hatch any of his progeny. Aggressive begets aggressive. If you like having a rooster in your flock, and it sounds like that is the case, send this bad boy to the freezer, and get a replacement for him now. There are always roosters available, usually they're free. Lots of folks end up with an accidental rooster, and would be happy for him to go to a flock situation. Also, a lot of folks who breed their flocks will have extra roosters this time of year. They will have carried a spare rooster over the winter (just to be on the safe side) and now that spring is almost here, they'll make the final selection, leaving the #2 man looking for a new flock to tend. Even if he's in a pen, accidents happen... there are no guarantees that he won't have access to your child, or even a visitor. Law suits and medical bills are expensive.
Agreed, the rooster will go.  I think I'll tolerate his bs until I get another rooster and he's grown a bit.  Bucky will be taken out by 4th of July!
I just got rid of an aggressive Polish roo I raised from baby chick yesterday. Best decision I've made in a while. He's attacked my 2.5 yo couple times and me several. Gave that sucker up.
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i am late posting this, but I did end up taking out Bucky. He was good for a while, then went after my daughter when she was wearing a red jacket. I named the rooster Bucky after my fav college team....the Badgers. Maybe I'm the only one who finds that ironic! I cant wait for my new batch of chickens to grow up and hope that one of the roos turns out to be a good one. It will be an Ameracauna, Lavender Orpington or Sex Link.

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