Rooster Attacks Based on Clothing? Cold weather Suggestion?

i am late posting this, but I did end up taking out Bucky. He was good for a while, then went after my daughter when she was wearing a red jacket. I named the rooster Bucky after my fav college team....the Badgers. Maybe I'm the only one who finds that ironic! I cant wait for my new batch of chickens to grow up and hope that one of the roos turns out to be a good one. It will be an Ameracauna, Lavender Orpington or Sex Link.

Obviously it’s 2024 and it’s been almost 10 years for me to post this and you probably won’t even get this response but everyone who has commented on this thread is an idiot.. No offense. A roosters instinct and purpose is to protect. The color RED is the color of blood which is what kicks their instinct in to attack and is also what makes chickens and roosters peck at things.. Why do you think that they make most water and food feeders red? It’s because it is what attracts them to go to it and find their food and water. So if you got rid of or killed your rooster because it was doing its job then that’s a sad story. Your daughter was wearing a red jacket.. They also like to peck at colorful colors. The most calming to them seems to be light blue because it doesn’t pose as a threat.
The people that posted are highly respected posters on this forum, not idiots. While you have a different theory on roosters, it is alright for people to make decisions about their own flocks that are different than yours without being verbally attacked by you.

Your theory on red, may be a factor, but it is not the only factor. There are roosters that do their job without attacking people.
After decades of breeding and raising chickens of various breeds, I found that most human aggressive roosters do not protect their flock as they are too busy focusing on humans and waiting in ambush to attack them any chance they get while leaving the flock unprotected and left to their own devices.

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