San Francisco Oil Spill- --Update 11/23 & 12/3 on Page 3


13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
WAY North Coastal California
Hi all-

As you've probably heard on national news- the SF Bay Oil spill has over 400 live oiled wild birds and counting. Although they have many volunteers to help- they lack experienced folks. I'm on the Humboldt County response Team (as a trained oiled bird rehaber) and I've been called up to go down to the Cordelia Center down there (California has an oil spill response network that was put together after the Exxon spill in Alaska). This will technically be my 5th oil spill (although 2 were simultaneous, so it's more like 4th).

If it's like the other oil spills I've worked on--I'll be working 18 hour days doing anything from tubing birds (that's how we feed those that can't feed themselves yet), to washing birds, to helping the vetrinarians with blood workups....

I'll be gone for a little while as I won't have time (nor the energy) to get online-

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Whoa, bless you. I wish I could go do that. Don't forget the Dawn dishwashing liquid, I think they all use that! Best wishes and let us know how it goes!
Wow - what a great still to have and so sorry that you are having to be in 'demand' right now.

Hope all goes well and you are able to save as many birds as possible!
Good luck and be careful Sandra. A great thing you are doing there!

When you get back, I hope to see you in chat again. I haven't seen you there in a while, and I enjoyed chatting with you in the past!
It is true that we use the Dawn liquid detergent---the plain old original kind. It's one of the reasons that I only use dawn soap at home---it was tested on birds and it was the most effective at cutting the grease/oil while not harming their skin and feathers. Dawn has repeatedly donated TONS of it for oil spills all over the world--so I reward them with my business.

I'll be leaving Tuesday morning...
I wish I were closer. I went through Oil Spill Response training at the Duck Rescue Conference in NC in August and would gladly volunteer.

Good luck and thanks for your care of the poor oiled ones.
My hat is off to you, that is a life dream of mine (to be an animal rehaber). I know you will be really, really busy, but will you be able to take pictures? I know we all would be very interested in how it all works.


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