Set 36 eggs tonight! Hatch-Along

Getting ready for lockdown. I'm trying to get the humidity up then I am going to candle and lock down. I've pulled a few more that were quitters. I'll post the final numbers in a bit. I hope they start on Sunday and don't wait till I'm at work on Monday. It will be the longest day ever lol. Fortunately my better half works from home and can keep me updated.
It is nerve wracking-- how is the humidity holding?

As for the SS, I"m wondering if they will hatch early. THe LG has been running hot. THough when the house temps dropped for a few days the LG dropped to, so I just don't know when they will hatch for sure.

I was hoping to get the Hristmas tree out of the way, but haven't gotten to taking the pictures I wanted. TOnight or tomorrow for that. THe tree site where the brooder box goes. Maybe I will brood in the upstairs bathroom instead-- oh I like that idea, I really like that idea!!

Any chance of early hatchers for you?
Hi Airelle. Humidity is good. I've been having babies hatch all day. Yep plié little buggers wait till I leave the room to hatch so we haven't gotten to catch one hatching. So exciting. 10 so far.
Here is a pic of my babies. I guess the heat was just a bit too high as the hatch seems to be kind of spread out. Still have 8 more eggs in the incubator to go. The are all still alive so I'm going to give them more time. 22 out of 30 babies so far. I sure hope the est come. One of the little black ones was upside down the whole time (stupid me) but hatched just fine. It pipped then basically just busted out the side of the egg. Must be a strong girl lol.
THey must be healthy as they are hatching so fast!!! Good hatch rate so far!!

So cute too, I had forgotten how cute the fluffy balls are!!

I candled my eggs last night and 4 did not devleope, so down to 11 that are solid when candling so I"m hopeful. THe aircells are a little smaller than I like so I have not added water yet. I set the late on the 12th, so they might need a few more days to pop out.

Waiting is so hard!!
Good luck. I pretty much dry incubated after reading about everyone's success on here. I kept the wet bulb right around 80 most of the time then ramped up to around 88 these last few days. It's soo afflicting. Now I want to do some little button quail. I want to wait and get one if those Brinsea Eco brooded before I do anymore. I worry so much about the heat lamp causing a fire. The babies all seem really healthy so Fay. Fingers crossed. They are so darn cute and come running to investigate my hand lol. I hope your babies are string and healthy.
Everyone hatch or do you have stragglers?? How long do you give them??

We run a wood stove and the %RH has been mostly at 19 in the incubator, so I have added a little water, and then it has been closer to my summer numbers of 25-30 until the water is gone, which I let it.. I was afraid I might dry out these eggs with the dry air. I can hang items for drying in the house and whoosh, they are dry!!

I candle to look at the air cell size and yes I usually dry incubate too.

I do see a difference in air cell development based on the number of eggs I stuff into the incubator. With a lot of eggs that is a lot of moisture, and how open the vents are, and the fan . . . . many factors play into a good aircell development.

I just sold a few EE pullets to a nice home. I'm a bit sad as I sold one of my favorites. SO hard to hatch them, raise them and then sell them. MUCH easier to sell hatching eggs!!

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