setting eggs today, (5/7/13) anyone else hatching?

I am!
I set 8 pilgrim goose eggs on 5/5 and will be setting frizzled and smooth polish tolbunts on 5/9
If that is ok?
For geese, around 10 days for white shell chicken eggs at days 3 or 4 if you see a cloudy spot or mass then a live embryo is present, day 7 or 8 for dark shelled eggs, but I would not disguard them if you don't see anything, I would candle again at day 14 and if you don't see anything then I would disguard them, my RIR eggs are hatching right now, I really didn't think they would, she is young and I didn't think she would stay on the nest.
one of my eggs as a embryo!!!!!
YAY! it is a the leghorn egg
Yay LoveNewChicks, I just got home and went to check my chicks (6) and my hen and that **** rooster attached me, the little jerk!!

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