setting eggs today, (5/7/13) anyone else hatching?

No he is a year old, he tries to attack my son all the time, but today was the first time he attacked me, maybe bc I was near the babies? I don't know, he eats from my hand and let's me pet him
Yay, Mad4Chickens, my broody hatched 6, I have 1 more due to hatch soon, all my hens are broody, but I won't let anymore set I already have to many!!
my roo in the pic was REALLY nice, he loved to be held, but we had to get rid of him because he crowed at 4:00 (am) and pecked my mom's toes (very funny to watch)
I hope I can keep some chicks from this hatch :D
I think all of the eggs but one are fertilized!
last time it was 8 eggs 6 hatched 1 survived (my avatar)
so... I'm hoping for a better hatch this time :)
I am starting day 10 of my broody hatch. Last night, I went to the barn and stole eggs from under my broody. I was 5 for 5 with live, visibly moving embryos!! Went to remove egg number 6, and my hen chose that moment to reach out with her beak and put the 5 eggs that I had already candled back under her! So at that point I would have no idea about the others. The 6th one also had a live embryo, so I feel good about the other 6.

I can't believe she wouldn't share.....
I just candled my pilgrims 4 have definite embryos 4 maybes its only day 9, I guess 4 out of 8 is not bad for shipped eggs, I am going to candle tolbunts when it gets dark, they are shipped eggs as well, duck eggs are 8 for 8 but they are from my own ducks (Donald and Todd)
ok, sorry for the late update, but;
2 where not fertilized, that leaves 5
it is day 23, 3 have pipped, one is starting to zip
here is a picture

they are cheeping like crazy!!!
(oh and the one with the upsidown checkmark has made a bigger hole, but hasn't got past the membrane)

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