Setting next week. :) Hatching in the classroom beginning 2/6 or 2/7 Hatch-Along


7 Years
May 15, 2012
Wichita Falls, TX
So excited. :) Our agrilife extension girl came today to bring the book and things to prepare for incubation. This will be my second time hatching in the classroom. Last time I got 16 chicks out of 24 eggs. I'm hoping for more this year. I have purchased a better incubator and an automatic egg turner. :) I used a digital thermometer last year, but this year I've got a digital thermometer and hydrometer.

We will be getting 24 eggs. They are supposed to be a mixture of Polish chickens. :) My students are super thrilled about it.

I teach fifth grade at a Catholic school. My students voted unanimously against injecting dye into the eggs to hatch colored chicks. They said it was "against God's plan." lol.. love my students. :) They hated the idea of risking the lives of developing chicks just to have colored chicks.
It's so wonderful to teach kids about this! Have them experience it! I just got a phone call from our local college last week, they were hatching in march-or supposed to-and someone messed up the order so 2 dozen hatching eggs arrived on jan 22! A wee tad early for a march hatch! I used to work with the one lady, so she phoned me to see if i could give them a good home. So they're in my incubator here, little embryos in each one....perking along to hatch on February 11&12. I have no idea what they are-they're brown eggs so i'm thinking probably production reds since those are the most common in my area for the schools to use-usually they do leghorns with the white eggs because they're easier to candle. and on top of that the lady wasn't quite sure when the technician put them in the incubator at the school, it was sometime around the 22nd or 23rd..or 24th...or 25th i've been guessing by candling, i think they're about day 12 or 13 today. I'll be very excited to see just what breed they are when they hatch... She sent me 20 eggs, and so far 20/20 are developing well.

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