OK! First things first!!

All 17 bitties are doing well so far. This photo was taken yesterday (4 days of age) and I can already tell a difference in their appearance. Everyone is fluffing up so nicely! It's been a really fun time to look over them and see if we can guess the variety, but honestly we have no idea what we have in here! Any guesses? They are an assortment of bantams from Cackle Hatchery. I think I recall a total of 5 feather footed birds. I'm surprised there weren't more, but only based on the hype I've seen around "cute" chickens. I personally have little interest in keeping feather-foots, so I'm glad there aren't too many to deal with!

This is where the bitties are brooding. If it looks half built, it's because it is! It's a 4x4 framed coop I was working on to replace the current flock's setup. That house was supposed to come in and be converted into a brooder box but we were surprised with early morning chickens! I had been refreshing the tracking information religiously and was sure I had enough time to make the swap! Turns out the postal folks missed a few scans. What's worse is that we had just arrived on a job an hour away! We got everyone home safe and sound. Thankfully I had somewhere for them to go immediately! I'm not sure I'll find myself in this situation again, but I would suggest you have a spot ready a lot sooner than the day of!


While we're on enclosures, This is the expansion I built for the older birds. It may be a bit janky looking, but so far it's performed well. It should only need to do it's job for another few weeks while I finalize the run size to be constructed. Ideally the final run will be slightly larger than whats pictured, square, and 8 feet tall. The coop will be made up of one or two (so 4X4 or 4X8) of the coop structures pictured above as a brooder box. As stated before, I intend to house 10-12 full-grown banties in this area, and.. however many babies we decide to let them hatch, whenever that day comes.


Pictured above are Osmo, Henrietta and Stardew. These birds came from southern states so i'm not entirely sure what bloodlines are happening. It seems safe to say we have two Old English Roos, but I'm still unclear on Henrietta. The closest I got was "No-Muff-Easter-Egger" with some late night digging.



There you have it! Raising 17 chicks isn't QUITE as much of a pain as I thought compared to three, but it's only day four. We'll see what happens as they get faster! I've decided I need a top on that thing by day 9. Osmo and Stardew were surprisingly capable early on, and these Cackle chickens look extremely healthy compared to what I recall our SS birds looking like. I can only imagine the wrangling fun for brooder cleaning when they figure out they can get airborne!

OK! First things first!!

View attachment 3546087
All 17 bitties are doing well so far. This photo was taken yesterday (4 days of age) and I can already tell a difference in their appearance. Everyone is fluffing up so nicely! It's been a really fun time to look over them and see if we can guess the variety, but honestly we have no idea what we have in here! Any guesses? They are an assortment of bantams from Cackle Hatchery. I think I recall a total of 5 feather footed birds. I'm surprised there weren't more, but only based on the hype I've seen around "cute" chickens. I personally have little interest in keeping feather-foots, so I'm glad there aren't too many to deal with!

View attachment 3546089
This is where the bitties are brooding. If it looks half built, it's because it is! It's a 4x4 framed coop I was working on to replace the current flock's setup. That house was supposed to come in and be converted into a brooder box but we were surprised with early morning chickens! I had been refreshing the tracking information religiously and was sure I had enough time to make the swap! Turns out the postal folks missed a few scans. What's worse is that we had just arrived on a job an hour away! We got everyone home safe and sound. Thankfully I had somewhere for them to go immediately! I'm not sure I'll find myself in this situation again, but I would suggest you have a spot ready a lot sooner than the day of!

View attachment 3546090

While we're on enclosures, This is the expansion I built for the older birds. It may be a bit janky looking, but so far it's performed well. It should only need to do it's job for another few weeks while I finalize the run size to be constructed. Ideally the final run will be slightly larger than whats pictured, square, and 8 feet tall. The coop will be made up of one or two (so 4X4 or 4X8) of the coop structures pictured above as a brooder box. As stated before, I intend to house 10-12 full-grown banties in this area, and.. however many babies we decide to let them hatch, whenever that day comes.

View attachment 3546088

Pictured above are Osmo, Henrietta and Stardew. These birds came from southern states so i'm not entirely sure what bloodlines are happening. It seems safe to say we have two Old English Roos, but I'm still unclear on Henrietta. The closest I got was "No-Muff-Easter-Egger" with some late night digging.
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View attachment 3546094

There you have it! Raising 17 chicks isn't QUITE as much of a pain as I thought compared to three, but it's only day four. We'll see what happens as they get faster! I've decided I need a top on that thing by day 9. Osmo and Stardew were surprisingly capable early on, and these Cackle chickens look extremely healthy compared to what I recall our SS birds looking like. I can only imagine the wrangling fun for brooder cleaning when they figure out they can get airborne!

Very nice photos, :love thanks for sharing!

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