Should I start with 2 or 3 chickens? (Minimum flock size)

I had four bantams, I am now down to two:( They are very social with us and pour dogs. Should I get two more?
Welcome to BYC, Happy! This is an old thread, and while on topic for your question, you might do better starting a new thread. You could go either way with this question, and either direction would be fine. Do you want more birds? Do you have room in your coop/run for more birds? The general recommendation is 4 s.f./bird in coop, 10 s.f./bird in run. This is assuming large fowl. I honestly don't know the recommendation for bantams. I started my first flock with bantams when I was 12 years old. Hatched 4 eggs in school incubator, re-homed one roo, and kept the remaining roo and 2 pullets. They were nice pets. Your biggest issue when adding more birds will be integration. Generally, chickens don't take kindly to newbies entering their space. If you are able to provide lots of room, that will help some. I would recommend that you add at least 2. Adding a single bird can be very tough on the newbie.
I have a 7x5 coop well inslated and fice large nesting boxes and two perches and a large window and door with a coop door and a screened in run for them. my last two black bantums a small. I jsut dont want them to be alone. If the other passes.
I started with 7 and still have them. I have added some since and found that it Really depends on the bird . for instance , if you have four or more docile birds then you could probably pick any breed as long as you get only one or two . If you have 3 or less then you'll want to get docile Birds like the black austrolorp or buff Orpington . I have three buffs , four barred rocks (one being a roo ) and 4 oegb . they get along fine . :celebrate

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