Make room for me!!!

I've got silkies (black = Violet, white = Dandelion) who are just itty bitty babies. No way to tell, but I keep reading every post about sexing silkies just in case there's some new miracle method for discerning the girls from the boys - lol!

On top of the silly Silkie babies, I've got a silver Sebright (Picotee). That's the other notoriously difficult breed to sex.

What have I done?!?!
:he :barnie :idunno

Maybe we should guess now based on features and behaviors and come back once we know for sure! See how wrong we all are!

I'll say Dandelion is a he, and Violet and Picotee are shes.
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What have I done?!?!
Hehe...I ask myself that a few times daily.
Maybe we should guess now based on features and behaviors and come back once we know for sure! See how wrong we all are!

I'll say Dandelion is a he, and Violet and Picotee are shes.
Sounds good. Not like we don't already have those guesses!
I think Flip is a female and Flop is a Male. If not, I'm flip flopping their names. ;)
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I LOVE those names, btw.

Well, my little fluffballs are so tiny, I have so little to go on. This is a total shot in the dark, but I'll guess that Dandelion is male and Violet and Picotee are female.
I would love to have my own Picotee some day. About an hour away there are 4 gold laced and 2 silver laced available, but they are all roos. I'm still really fighting the urge to go get a couple though.

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