So im going to be a Veterinary Technitian!


9 Years
May 12, 2012
houston, tx
So today i had orientation at the Vet Tech Institute of Houston....
kida excited.... Ive always wanted to be a vet... and a soldier... now i can put both things on my "Done" list! Classes offically start monady and already im nervous! All the kids in my class are well.... KIDS!!!! Im one of maybe 3 students returning to school after 10+ years! It made me feel so OLD! Lol im going to love it! Lol i was one of the oldest in my basic training platoon! They all calld me "Gramps!" I WAS 26!!!!
Ahh the good ole days.... back in school time to see if i still got what it takes to become a vet tech. So many veterinary fields to go into! I never knew people hired vet techs to do surgeries on FISH! That alone blew my mind! Well looks like its going to be a LONG and FAST 18 months! Then hopefully EMS/EMT TRAINING! So then ill get to work with both humans and animals!
Good luck hope you hit all your goals.

Awesome!!! Its only 18 months?? Piece of cake.. you can do that!!! :weee

Thanks red! It will be like another 15 month deployment! CEPT I GET TO SEE MY WIFE AND KIDS EVERY DAY! Oh and the chances of getting blown up are GONE!lol

Thanks HD! I will try to do your sig justice! And i drove a hemmit 1977 for the 15months i was in the sandbox!
I've been one for 28 years. Semi retired now but I always had a job.
well i worked in clinic for about 6 months before i felt the need to put a boot in the owners *****.... i then went on to work for houstons oldest and most expensive furniture store caring for their animals... same thing happened... wanted to beat the managers face in! all because money was an issue in both jobs... not my pay but the animals needs and care were being short changed... i do what i do for the animals... not for the $$$ !!! i am now once again looking for a job... hoping the VA will help me with my claim for unemployability. since i cant seem to find a job that is anything like being in the army.... with people who love what they do for little pay....

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