So, Tell Me, Would You Want Hatching Eggs from This Breed?

So sorry to hear about your dog, SpeckledHen.
Thank you, Firefly. He passed on about 1 a.m. on the couch he slept on alot. His kidneys just gave out. He was a huge presence here and we are all devastated, including our other dog, who was taught everything she knows by Cody.

As for the Blue Orps being good brooders, I do think they go broody like the Buff Orps. I haven't had an adult Blue Orp yet, though. Heck, only one of my Buff Orps has ever gone broody, but these are from breeder stock, not a hatchery like my Buffs. The Blue Orp eggs I'm incubating are large to extra large so the egg size is very good.
The plan is to sell hatching eggs from the Blue Orpingtons sometime late summer after the eggs get a chance to be more than pullet eggs. Regrettably, I won't have Ameraucana eggs since I don't plan to keep a cockerel of that breed, but the ones I'm hatching are from a black rooster and blue hens, meaning I could get either color of the Ameraucanas. So, anyone who purchases eggs from my Blue Orp pair could get chicks in blue, black or splash. I love the splash-very pretty, as well.

Thanks to you all for your kind words about the passing of my dog. This will be a very hard next few weeks as we adjust to life without him.
Oh, Speckled Hen I am so sorry for your loss. I have four housedogs that mean so much to me I cannot imagine losing any one of them. I am truly very, very sorry.

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