Songs We Like

Livin' in the Sunlight, Lovin' in the Moonlight
Song by Bing Crosby

Things that bother you, never bother me
I think everything's fine
Living in the sunlight, loving in the moonlight
Having a wonderful time
Haven't got a lot, I don't need a lot
Coffee's only a dime
Living in the sunlight, loving in the moonlight
Having a wonderful time
Just take it from me, I'm just as free as any dove
I do what I like, just when I like, and how I love it
I don't give a hoot, give my cares the boot
All the world is in rhyme
Living in the sunlight, loving in the moonlight
Having a wonderful time

Kind of represents how I feel most people acted the last 4 years. Personally, I did not think anything was fine. Still don't but I won't get controversial.
Is this the version of the song you were speaking of? They had one by Tiny Tim but I couldn't coerce myself to listen to it.
Well, it's "Burn" by the Cure. See if you can look it up on YT or spotify or your favorite other streaming service. It's a song they did for the soundtrack of "The Crow"
Thanks. Maybe a good idea to mention the artist and number to avoid stupid unnecessary problems . I like this life version:

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