South Dakota?

I am a teacher, and I think I left the bulletin on my desk at school.

When and where do they meet. I have had just hatchery chickens for about 6 years now, and am flirting with the idea to have some higher quality chickens. Something a little fancier, but have not decided.

I don't think you can go wrong. My one hen who is old enough to lay is a bantam Cochin; supposed to be an "ornamental" breed. She gives me an egg every single day.
Silkies are a bantam breed but my Silkie eggs are the same size as supermarket "large" eggs.

Chores might take a little longer, though. They're so personable you cannot help sitting down to talk to them, and they're so pretty you can't leave without watching just a little bit of chicken TV! Sometimes chores can take all day long.
I don't think you can go wrong. My one hen who is old enough to lay is a bantam Cochin; supposed to be an "ornamental" breed. She gives me an egg every single day.
Silkies are a bantam breed but my Silkie eggs are the same size as supermarket "large" eggs.

Chores might take a little longer, though. They're so personable you cannot help sitting down to talk to them, and they're so pretty you can't leave without watching just a little bit of chicken TV! Sometimes chores can take all day long.
Can I swap my two bantam cochins and gold silkie for yours?! My silkie has been broody since March and my cochins are always going broody, but they are SO cute.
I am constantly taking them off the nest.
Lol my silkies love to stand in the rain. I bet they are soaked right now lol. Ill post a photo later its too funny. Also the club is for everyone. From 1 chicken to hundreds all are welcome lol turkeys and ducks count also!
That is what I miss most about my black silkies! Their broody tendencies! I lost mine to raccoons earlier in June and until I get control of the coon issue, I don't want to get more bantams. I want them to assume the BUFFET is Closed!

My heavy layers are the only ones I have in their coop which is fortified. I am still working to fortify my second coop that I built this spring for my pigeons, so that my new pair can be placed into it SAFELY. May end up using it for my bantams too as its large enough
I am in rural Hermosa. If there is any one interested in Bantam longtails, I would like to meet them. I have Ohiki and Phoenix in the incubator. I am hopeful to have bantam Ohiki,and Phoenix and large size Dominique chickens by summer. thanks Cal
I know this is an old thread,but we are moving to rural Hermosa next spring. Bought land out there 2 years ago !
Howdy MGG :frow
I am interested to learn what breeds of chickens you raise. Our winters being as harsh as they are I am looking for cold hardy and good egg layers that don't tend to get broody.
Hi! I have some of everything, but I really like my RIRs and Wyandottes. Both barred rocks and RIRs will get frostbite on their combs though. I also love my brahmas and they handle the cold really well, cut they're not as good of layers and can go broody.
What kind of coop do you have? You'll want something decent sized, preferably a repurposed shed, since they spend so much time in the coop during our winters. Imo, the coop should be at least as big as the run. My birds won't leave their coop from early December to March most years.
Oh! Easter Eggers are also really good, they're nice layers and fun birds. They usually have pea combs or modified pea combs from the Ameraucana lineage too so mine don't seem to ever get frostbite.
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