

here’s my littles today, 9ish weeks old. they both look like their neck feathers are on the pointy side, but they’ve been that way since they feathered in. no saddle feathers on anyone.
My boys are fighting. Fleck attacked Flugel, pulled out feathers. I'm taking him (Fleck) to poultry swap Sat, if I can catch him, and maybe Fritz as well.....
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We're back from the poultry swap, sold our cockerel Fleck within half hour to a woman who has hens, I guess she meant Spitzhaubens, not sure, English wasn't her first language. She said, we're not going to eat him....which was nice to know but I wasn't going to ask. There must have been a thousand chickens/other poultry there, hundreds of roosters crowing, dozens and dozens of buyers at 7 am. I asked $5, just hoping I wouldn't have to bring him home. Who knows what they get exposed to there.....
The remaining 4 Spitzes seem content. Fritz is subservient to Flugel and this may work out fine w the 2 of them, and the 9 assorted hens. We shall see.
So our Spitzes are calm and happy now without the extra boy. They've blended in better with the 7 older hens as a result. Our 5 X 9 coop has roosts on 3 sides. No one was using the east roost ever, and the Spitzes discovered it and took it over, rather than roost on the baby roost under the poop shelf. But last night, our little Sebright hen, tiny little pistil that she is, decided she wanted that entire 5' east roost and rousted them all off! Not only that, but they weren't allowed around the corner on the roost perpendicular to it, a long stretch of it sitting unused. The Spitzes were back on the baby roost, and one just roosting on the floor this morning, since they are too big for that roost. I am so mad at the Sebright. She's so pleased with herself, the little boss hen.

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