Stall Dry, my new best friend...

Wow- great price! I just called my local feed store and yeehaw, they have it too. Ours here is $12.99 for 44lbs..
I hope it is food grade DE though cuz mine will definitely be eating it.
I don't know the answer to that question but I'm curious too. I cannot be without my Stall Dry. In fact, our feed store had buy one get one free last weekend so I stocked up! They were even selling 40# bags for $8, that's $2 less than I normally pay for the food grade kind
I use it in my litterboxes too every time I scoop them. It works like a charm, no smell and the cats love the extra sand to dig in.
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I free range my chickens and when they hear the back door open they come running . The flies were REALLY getting bad, until i made the soda bottle fly catcher someone posted on here, just set it near the back steps, could not believethefly's it caught, so now between the DE and the fly catchers we are doing good on fly's.
I'm having trouble finding it in Arkansas. I check with our TSC, and they looked at me funny. Our Farmer's CO-OP also didn't carry it.

Any Arkansasans want to clue me in? I really need it more for the goats than the chickens. Goats poo a lot!!!!
I'm in Arkansas too, and I'd love to know where to get it. I'll call around and see if I can find out, but I don't have a lot of hope, as we're the last to get anything.
Nobody in Utah seems to have heard of it either. I found a product on the internet called 'Dry Stall' and they will ship a free sample (don't know how much) to a feed store of your choice. Of course, no one has that EITHER. My hope is that, since it's supposed to be used in a horse's stall, they'll send me enough in the sample to last awhile, so I can at least see if it's better for moisture than DE. I love my DE, but I could've used something more when we had a big blowing rain and the yard sand got wet. I found out it takes forever for sand to dry.
For those in Arkansas - I called all over the central ark area. Nobody carries stall dry. At the Little Rock and Benton Farmers Association feed stores they have Sweet PDZ which works the same and is safe. It is made from a little different stuff, but is all natural. 40lb bag of granulated is $11.95, they also have a powdered form. Product website is here

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