Stall Dry, my new best friend...

I stopped using Stall Dry IN my coop where they chickens can get to it after reading some posts on here, and the precautions on the bag. Now I use plain DE where they walk or lie so that they won't get burned, but the area under my roosts in caged in, so I use the Stall Dry there. It makes a HUGE difference! Even more so for my goats! GOSH....For them, I've gone from changing out their straw once a week but never really getting rid of the odor, to changing it out every month or two. LOVE IT!
ok, I went today and bought STALL DRY...but Im not about to find DE food grade anywhere....

I looked at:
Tractor suppy
Steinhausers feed store
Alvin Feed store
Home Depot

Where can I find this local!!???
Not sure why you think they will get burned....cos if you are using Stall Dry it is just clay and DE.

Stall Dri is something diifferent.

I use the Sweet PDZ myself, and love it. I also use the food grade DE I got from the co-op near here.
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O.K. everybody, I've been following this thread and went out and bought DE at our feed store for our new duck pen (yes, it's PermaGuard food grade, etc). I used a flour sifter and sprinkled it all around - it looked like it snowed out there. I tied a bandana around my nose and mouth because of what I've learned about the importance of not inhaling the stuff. BUT, it burned my hands and arms!!! Even after I washed my hands well, they still stung. Why did this happen? I got so worried that it would burn my ducks' feet, that I went out and washed it all down. Has anyone else had this problem?
Gosh no! I haven't ever even heard of anything like that! When I get it on me, as I often do, it is so fine, it feels soft as lotion. I suspect though that if it burnt on your skin, you may have experienced it's incredible ability to absorb moisture. So it dried out your skin and it got more dry upon washing...just a hypothesis. There isn't anything about Diatomaceous Earth that you could have reacted to chemically. In fact I'm almost certain I've read several places that say it's practically hypoallergenic except for the danger of breathing it. And that isn't due to any property of it except it's so super fine it would coat your lungs and prevent the absorbtion of oxygen. I'm really intrigued and curious!!!!
you could be maybe allergic to it or something in it...that would be another thought on that...maybe you were wearing something that when the DE got on you, it reacted with what was on your skin.
I agree with this post. If you read about how DE affects mites, intestinal parasites, etc. it does it by absorbing the moisture from their outer coatings and causing them to become dehydrated. I would think it would do the same thing on human skin. Some people just have more sensitive skin than others.
I went to so many different feed stores, hardware stores trying to find DE and I couldnt....

ANY IDEAS??? DH Did buy Dry Stall thought as we are getting hit by severe hens are locked up in the coop, now there run gets MUDDY B.A.D....

my bag of Stall dry is at there, when do I put it on, and how much for a 10x10 run...we got it late last night and I didnt get a change to read the instructions....and this a.m I was gathering my flock to lock them up...we are expecting maybe flooding as in 2"-4"

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