started Christmas shopping yet?

Waiting for a pkg from Dell and then I'm done!! Hope to get wrapped by Thanksgiving!! Then I can bake all of December!! My favorite part of Christmas!
My husband & I split up in September and I sat down with my 2 teenager boys to explain that Xmas will be much more scaled back then in other years.
I have shopped for each of them thru the year tucking things away in the "gift closet" but there are no BIG gifts coming like tv's ot laptops.
They are really cool with this and even suggested we use Xmas money for things like replacing the powertools and lawn mower we no longer have.
The youngest added that he wants nothing he says except money to go towards his saving up for his first car when he turns 16 this summer.
I am so lucky to have great kids!!!
We decided that we are going to cut back this year. The kids all know that it's just clothes and stuff they need.
I've started thanks to Queen Scoot and her slippers. we are very very broke this year, so I am looking for just about anything that I can make or purchase for a really really low price.
I'm making quilts and wall hangings for most people so I still have a lot of work to do. I have not yet begun to shop for my boys. I really need to get my butt in gear.

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