
Dec 7, 2017
So yesterday my flock was just fine everything was normal, until they went to roost. Well instead of going to their coop like they ALWAYS do, they went to a tree. This is not normal. My families dog (buster) was alerted more then normal, he was barking almost all night.

Could this be because of the hurricane Or....? It has me worried... A lot.
I live in middle Tennessee so its still away from us, but we are getting wind and weird weather from it.

Any information well be greatly appreciated!!!
First I would give the coop a thorough inspection, make sure there isn't a reason they don't want to go in. Look for temperature, mites, ammonia smell, other insects, and possibly other wildlife. For them to change suddenly it's quite possible it's something with the coop itself. Other than that, weather conditions could be a possibility. Also new additions to the flock or a change in order. A new "leader" may want a new place. Once you determine the coop is good, you may need to lock them down for a couple of days to reset their "home".
First I would follow true Patriots suggestions but know that changes in weather patterns and barametric pressure will affect you animals behavior. If you pay attention to their behavior daily, you can see the signs of a storm coming, a tornado, or even an earthquake.
I'm near Augusta, GA. The dogs and cats are weird and the roosters are on high alert.

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