Stray Dog!

Do you have any roosters? They're excellent for security. My roosters sound the alarm when there's a predator they're able to see. Their vision is superior to ours, and they almost always see them before I do, and often I can't see them at all because of how well they blend in with the trees and shrubs.
That is great idea! Get a rooster, they will attack a dog if it try's to hurt the hens, or at least they will cluck and sound the alarm to you and hens to get to safety and then you can get the hens to safely!
I actually have two fences for mine. The first one is 3ft high and they quickly found they could get over it whenever they got over excited, so I put up a taller one further out. I left the shorter one cuz .... two is better than one! They still get out and wander around trying to get back in. I don’t get it, they flew out so why can’t they fly back in? We’re now building them an enclosed run. That was the initial idea, but materials and budgets were lacking.
Risks vary, depending on your neighborhood, and who's there at any given time. And your comfort level with possible losses. It's always favorites who are lost first!
Roosters can help, but most predators have no problem taking them out too.
Sorry to be negative here, but in spite of having disasters, we do still free range our flock.
You're not being negative at all. It's all for the love of chickens. :p
It's necessary to have a safe coop and safe enclosed run, large enough to be comfortable for them for weeks at a time, whether you can free range them or not. There will be times when a raptor visits, and the birds need to be in for two or three weeks, until that bird gives up and moves on. Or, that dog, or fox, or whoever, shows up, and isn't yet eliminated somehow.
Here we have snow, and the chickens are offended and don't want to get out in it at all!
Alls well that ends well. However, the problem with "free Ranging" chickens it ups the opportunity for predators of all kind. These people may well keep this dog under control. You have the right to manage your chickens on your property the way you want to. But what about the coyotes, fox, hawks, owls, weasels, raccoons, possums, skunks, snakes, ect. . IN MY OPINION, Disney really taught American children the wrong idea about how nature operates. I don't call my chicken free ranging I call them pastured. There is a fence, hawk shelters, a coop and I don't leave them out at dawn or dusk. So how attached are you to these fluffy butts? If they are free ranging there will be losses and that is OK, it is part of nature.
I guess I don't know the definition of free-range. They have an enclosed run and a nice coop. They are free on our property during the day and return to the coop at night. I have a large live trap set and have caught possum, skunk, Racoon, and one fox. But nothing for a few months. There are a lot of trees around our home and other cover.

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