Surviving Minnesota!

I'm going to tell you a little blurb that my father told me:

"Man is the only animal that can be skinned more than once."

So true
How does everyone get their chickens back to the coop after they have been free ranging? I just bought some dried mealworms to use as treats but I am still afraid of letting them out because I may not get them back in????
My go in on their own a dusk, but if I want them in during the day because I need to do something inside, or go somewhere, I use scratch and dried meal worms, they follow me right in. If not I could go get live meal worms, then they would darn near run me over to get in there.

I kept mine in the coop/run for a week before I let them out at all.
@I Love Layers , for the price of the double hutches, you could build something similar for the asking price. We didn't even hit $60 to build our single hutch. It was only more because DH insisted on the fancy roof (not pictured) and weird fold down poop tray. Now, I could never do this myself....just sayin'....

But if you had to pick one, I'd say go for the doubles. You only need two and it appears you may not need to dump much money into them.

Did they have you knitting at Bible School? Just say no, Holm....just say no.

No ducklings yet. I can't remember when Cleo actually stayed put on her eggs (shame on me, I know), so I think they'll hatch within the next week or two.

I have 6 going under a broody chicken hen tonight. They should hatch this week.

I've been selling the fertile eggs - I don't want to pop out too many babies. A feed store nearby said they'll buy all my ducklings, but I don't know if I want to do that, either. I don't know what I want to do. Lol

I'm just going to keep them all and I'll be THAT lady.

I use treats if I need to get them back in during the day. But there's always a few rogue ones that know what I'm up to. I also have a Black Copper Marans hen that we call the "Lone Ranger". I never know where she's at, but she always shows back up. At night, they go in by their selves.

My experience is they'll stay somewhat close once they know where their home is....and food and water.

I also got some pictures of my GLWs. I still don't know what they are. Any idea on what yours are yet? One is darker and one is lighter. But they're also hatchery birds, so I don't know if I should expect color consistency.



The first one looks like pullet to me
, my 2 roo's have a much brighter red on their combs and their wattles (sp?) are starting to grow. your last photo I can't tell if it is washed out due to the sun but the comb seems more pronounced than your first photos....could be a roo? I will try and get a close up of mine to compare for you.
Put them in the coop for a week. No Run. Just the coop. They'll be just fine in that gorgeous building. Give Treats, pick some grass and clover. They really need to know that is home. If they do not go back in to the coop after their first free range (AFTER 7 days solely in a coop). Start over with another week in the coop.

edited to say: Keep in mind that sunset is really late this time of year as well. So you may not see your hens going in until 8:00-8:30 in the evening. They are cued to roost by reds in the sky (setting sun colors)--sort of interesting. I forgot where I read it, though, sorry. :/
very cool bit of trivia about the reds of the setting wonder they are confused...we haven't seen the sun in weeks !!!
just clouds and rain....and more rain.....and more clouds.....
This was the worst week of my chicken years.

Today I lost one of the juveniles, a hawk probably.
5 minutes before I had counted all 7 then went to close the garden gate and came back to close the coop thinking they were all inside. The adults were but didn't see the juvies anywhere. Walked all around calling finally three came running and went in, then found 1 dead laying in the weeds. Puncture wounds to the head. Eventually found the other 3 hiding under a brush pile afraid to come out but got them inside.
Saturday I culled an old girl that wasn't doing well. Thursday Goldie died. Tuesday Edna died.
It has been every other day, I'm afraid of what might happen Wednesday
This was the worst week of my chicken years.

Today I lost one of the juveniles, a hawk probably.
5 minutes before I had counted all 7 then went to close the garden gate and came back to close the coop thinking they were all inside. The adults were but didn't see the juvies anywhere. Walked all around calling finally three came running and went in, then found 1 dead laying in the weeds. Puncture wounds to the head. Eventually found the other 3 hiding under a brush pile afraid to come out but got them inside.
Saturday I culled an old girl that wasn't doing well. Thursday Goldie died. Tuesday Edna died.
It has been every other day, I'm afraid of what might happen Wednesday

Oh Bummer! Bad week for sure..Condolences and may it get better!
This was the worst week of my chicken years.

Today I lost one of the juveniles, a hawk probably.
5 minutes before I had counted all 7 then went to close the garden gate and came back to close the coop thinking they were all inside. The adults were but didn't see the juvies anywhere. Walked all around calling finally three came running and went in, then found 1 dead laying in the weeds. Puncture wounds to the head. Eventually found the other 3 hiding under a brush pile afraid to come out but got them inside.
Saturday I culled an old girl that wasn't doing well. Thursday Goldie died. Tuesday Edna died.
It has been every other day, I'm afraid of what might happen Wednesday

I'm sorry to hear of all this bad news. May your tides change.
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Thank you all, it has totally sucked. I feel guilty that I cried over the loss of the chick but not the 4 year old girls that gave so much....
Erli: my condolences that is a totally sucky week of chickening. Well maybe you've already grieved your older girls or something-- knowing they're future. But the young ones with so much potential--well that is sad.

Today I looked out and hens were everywhere. This flock without a rooster is not a good scenario. Loretta albeit a strong looking female welsummer chick has a pinking comb and darker feathers. I should get some photos and see what you all think. Her breast is still salmon color but compared to the chick in the brooder she looks different. Idk...

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