Surviving Minnesota!

All except the youngest of mine go in on their own, well before dark. King George stays out until the last second in case he can find some slow lone female to assault.

The youngest CLB's from this springs hatch will linger but after a few days of chasing them even they go in for the biggest part.

I would never bribe them to get them in, they will start to expect it and hold you hostage for the worms before ever going in. They are devious like that,
ha ha...good to know
How does everyone get their chickens back to the coop after they have been free ranging? I just bought some dried mealworms to use as treats but I am still afraid of letting them out because I may not get them back in????

Good Morning everyone. Siggie, I have a flock that ranges in age from 13 to 18 weeks. I do not let them free range because of the birds of prey. But they have a fenced in run that is large enough to accommodate them. Under the metal roof on the enclosed coop/run area and fenced without a roof. I make sure they are shut in the predator proof area after dusk. They are situated on their roosts in the safe area when I lock the door on the run. I never close the door to the coop. They are safe in that roofed - enclosed run/coop. The metal roof does not seem to bother them. It is insulated but that would not reduce the noise alot.

Then I have the second flock that is older and they do free range. They return to their coop at night and are tucked inside their coop when I shut the door.

I kept both groups in their coop/run areas for a least two weeks before letting them explore other areas. Now I am enclosing the free-range flock with temporary fencing because my strawberries are ripening and they like them - LOL. I do too. They lose / I win.
@I Love Layers , for the price of the double hutches, you could build something similar for the asking price. We didn't even hit $60 to build our single hutch. It was only more because DH insisted on the fancy roof (not pictured) and weird fold down poop tray. Now, I could never do this myself....just sayin'....

But if you had to pick one, I'd say go for the doubles. You only need two and it appears you may not need to dump much money into them.

Hello fellow chickeners. Hope u all had a great week and are having an even better weekend!

I have had a "fun" week... we had Vacation Bible School at our church this week and they always have the youth group help teachers and with games and crafts ect. There was about 70 kids so everyone stayed busy lol!

Have also had a good start to the weekend. Yesterday I went swimming and tubing with some friends and today we went swimming and to a pow wow. It was so much fun! I officially love pow wows! I might as well embrace my heritage instead of push it away lol.

@MinnesotaNice have u gotten any ducklings?

Did they have you knitting at Bible School? Just say no, Holm....just say no.

No ducklings yet. I can't remember when Cleo actually stayed put on her eggs (shame on me, I know), so I think they'll hatch within the next week or two.

I have 6 going under a broody chicken hen tonight. They should hatch this week.

I've been selling the fertile eggs - I don't want to pop out too many babies. A feed store nearby said they'll buy all my ducklings, but I don't know if I want to do that, either. I don't know what I want to do. Lol

I'm just going to keep them all and I'll be THAT lady.

How does everyone get their chickens back to the coop after they have been free ranging? I just bought some dried mealworms to use as treats but I am still afraid of letting them out because I may not get them back in????

I use treats if I need to get them back in during the day. But there's always a few rogue ones that know what I'm up to. I also have a Black Copper Marans hen that we call the "Lone Ranger". I never know where she's at, but she always shows back up. At night, they go in by their selves.

My experience is they'll stay somewhat close once they know where their home is....and food and water.

I also got some pictures of my GLWs. I still don't know what they are. Any idea on what yours are yet? One is darker and one is lighter. But they're also hatchery birds, so I don't know if I should expect color consistency.



How does everyone get their chickens back to the coop after they have been free ranging? I just bought some dried mealworms to use as treats but I am still afraid of letting them out because I may not get them back in????

Put them in the coop for a week. No Run. Just the coop. They'll be just fine in that gorgeous building. Give Treats, pick some grass and clover. They really need to know that is home. If they do not go back in to the coop after their first free range (AFTER 7 days solely in a coop). Start over with another week in the coop.

edited to say: Keep in mind that sunset is really late this time of year as well. So you may not see your hens going in until 8:00-8:30 in the evening. They are cued to roost by reds in the sky (setting sun colors)--sort of interesting. I forgot where I read it, though, sorry. :/
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