Surviving Minnesota!

Judy and I just went down and emptied the hatcher. We have a lot more to hatch out, but it has been 12 hours since first ones, so we picked out the dry ones and moved them.

A few EE, SS and MA's. No toads yet and only 2 CLB"S a little girl and a white sport. I have isolated the rooster anyways, now to work on the hen that has the gene. I hope the white sport is a girl...(fingers crossed)
Mojitos are my summer drink.

This is a friend of mine's patch. She's near Grand Rapids. But that's what the hillside next to work looks like too. It's nutso up here those blooms. I haven't ever seen a year like this before...or haven't paid attention. But usually I pay attention.
I am going to run, well walk slowly, out to my patch and look at it. But it will make no difference the animals and birds always beat me to it.

I forgot to mention my Broody SS (Lizzy) got off the nest for a while today. It was so funny, King George ran to her and was dipping his wing. She was having none of that. She puffed up and walked around like a broody does with babies when she is protecting them. Everything backed away from her and gave her room. She did this for maybe 20 minutes and she was gone. I assume back to her tree.

If she acts like that with babies, they will be safe!
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Salmon berries can be yellow orange or red when ripe .

Himalayan blackberries are everywhere here . Canes can reach 40 feet in length .Seldom more than 6-8 feet high . They root when they touch the ground .

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