Surviving Minnesota!





Just a few shots of my (hopefully) girls..
One of the pics is an EE....I think she is gorgeous.

My dog is literally guarding the little silkie/cochins. They are a few weeks younger than the others and we had to bring them home as they lost their momma to a predator and the owner couldn't take care of them. It's not an ideal set up but they are managing. The chihuahua protects them from all the others by positioning himself between them and any other approaching bird. If a hen gets close he will nip it's tail feathers. Once one of the babies got separated from the other two and was doing the distress call and the dog slowly and gently herded her to the others. I couldn't believe what I was seeing but my husband was there and confirmed it. His mouth was agape as well. That little chick almost froze to death and now has brain damage. She is afraid of nothing and runs up to anything moving....dogs, people, rakes, wheelbarrow.....she is easily distracted and loses her siblings constantly. She has learned to avoid the big chickens....but I fear for her.
The only time I've even seen yokohamas up here was a few years back... Jason Karowski and his mom brought some red shouldered ones to the New Ulm show. Not sure if they are still raising them. Absolutely stunning birds to see in person. The closest thing I've ever raised to them was silver and golden phoenix. One of my old 4-H kids took over most of our birds and still has some of the old ones running around her farm 10+ years later.
I shut the incubators off about 6 weeks ago now. After being on since last October, it felt pretty good to just be done for the year. We had those last big swaps and moved a good majority of the youngest birds. Moved the last of babies out to barn, tore down brooders, and re-painted in garage. Its nice to have my truck in the garage again especially considering we've had a lot of storms lately with hail. When I put the last batch of eggs in, I also separated all my breeder pens. Cocks are all together in a pen at far end of the barn. They all get along as long as they don't have any girls to fight over. The girls and young stock I'm keeping are in all the breeder pens up front. Can finally get some birds in condition for the fall shows. I kept just one pen of silkies separate that will be for sale yet, otherwise all extra birds (standard cochins, faverolles, easter eggers) have been kicked outside for the summer. These last 2 weeks we've been stripping all the pens and deep cleaning. Probably should have waited on my black silkies. they are molting so bad that event he day after I cleaned, the bedding was a sea of black feathers again by the next day. Monday we are having a big grill out at my house so have to kind of clean up in the house too. I think I finally have time to get out fishing a bit more too now.
Hi everyone . I have to come to town to get a connection . Got things to fix today . I will not be in town this weekend if I can avoid it . Ralphie you will have to come up . BC has my number . I had 3 white sports in my last hatch before I left . See if they survive when I get back . Leaving July 14 .
Good Morning..

BC you must be feeling pretty cocky with 2 of the top 3 posts yesterday Of course knowing there is not a competitive bone (cough,cough, cough) [excuse me something got caught in my throat ], I bet it is no big deal to you.
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No its not a BIG DEAL at all! Hahahah
Thank you Jerryse BTW. You helped get me number one poster.
Ralphie makes me competitive this way.... It has been duly noted that he posted a box of chicken fuzz cuteness right after my posts.....The game is always on!

Of all the photos I take of Hens and chickens out free ranging in our woods and gardens and the coop I work tirelessly on...I had no idea the photo of my sheet rock/cement garage with birds in a wire cage would get me my top posts. LOL. Okay...I'll take it! It is a reflection of Jerry's Lav and Blue Ameraucanas no doubt.
  1. #1.
    Good morning all: I had the pleasure of meeting Jerryse this... by Bogtown Chick in Surviving Minnesota!
    (6 Ovation)
  2. #2.
    Might be a little off track (imagine that), but here's and update on my... by Ur-ur-ur-urrr in INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! come hatch, learn, Chat, Meet new Friends w/ host, Sally Sunshine
    (5 Ovation)
  3. #3.
    Here they are! 2 Blue and 1 Lavender Ameraucana. Glad to have them. by Bogtown Chick in Surviving Minnesota!
    (5 Ovation)
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