Surviving Minnesota!

The sad thing is they are very hard to ever see, unless in a trap. I have not ever seen anyone get that good of picture of one in the wild before...

I was impressed as well because with everything I have read, they are very reclusive and do not like hanging around civilization. And...they are supposed to be nocturnal? It did not look sickly? The coat was very shiny and it looked well fed. We have not found any signs of it still being here but of course that doesn't mean much because most wildlife can hide in plain sight, LOL!

We have a lot of cool stuff around here...we had a family of baby Lynx (or maybe Bobcat) my DH was not sure but there were 3 and they were playing at the end of the driveway last year in the spring. Of course I was at work as usual and did not see them.
I was impressed as well because with everything I have read, they are very reclusive and do not like hanging around civilization. And...they are supposed to be nocturnal? It did not look sickly? The coat was very shiny and it looked well fed. We have not found any signs of it still being here but of course that doesn't mean much because most wildlife can hide in plain sight, LOL!

We have a lot of cool stuff around here...we had a family of baby Lynx (or maybe Bobcat) my DH was not sure but there were 3 and they were playing at the end of the driveway last year in the spring. Of course I was at work as usual and did not see them.
I love seeing wildlife of any kind! Waaaay back, when my kids were little, we were going home from church one Sunday night, when something caught DH's eye as we were passing the cemetery. There were 4 baby fox, playing in the road ditch, at the approach to the cemetery. We sat in the car with our 3 young sons and watched those babies for about half an hour. Several other cars stopped to watch the show, too.

We all know we have wildlife that will gladly eat our chickens. It's up to us to have good, secure housing for them at night, and a sturdy run if we need one during the day to discourage them. I'm not for just shooting something on sight, but if it messes with my birds... That's a whole 'nother story!
Morning . Well Got the cortisone shot in my knee . Seems to be improving . Just in time to get ready for my next trip north . Excavating should start soon . Plus I need to mill more lumber .
Janet had a lot of TV trouble last trip . Losing signal a lot . I suspect they want these old analog sets gone . Might be tweaking the signal to get it done . I will try a few things first . May need to buy . Not sure yet . I can try the connection on the roof antenna . Was not up to climbing at the last of the trip . I can try borrowing my brothers converter box to check that . Told Janet to pack some movies just in case .
Good morning all.
Looks like we had some rain last night I didn't hear a thing, slept like a dead log. Hope it cleaned up some of the pollen :sick the pine trees are causing a green fog un the air.
I'm going to eat my oatmeal and head outside to mow around my gardens and then clean weeds out of the pumpkin garden or I should say comfrey garden, the comfrey has gotten so big I might just have to start a new pumkin garden, but not this year. My chickens are getting comfrey as a treat, it's so good for them.
Good Morning dear Chickeners . . . . now, after time away from you chickeners I can recognize one issue I have when reading your posts. YOU make me want to have chickens! Now this is a good thing as I have quite a few. However, it is not so positive in that I do not have the space for any more. I think it is more of a problem of maturity. When a person is younger they see something and tend to want it IF it is of interest to them. Yeah - I need to grow up and realize I simply cannot have everything I see that I want. Oh dear :hmm when does growing up stop?
Off to St. Mary's in Minneapolis today for my ddil commencement with a masters in family therapy. Then there will be her open house out in Watertown. After that my granddaughter has a recital in Chaska. I am leaving by 8 and won't be back til at least 9 tonight.
You all have a great day!

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