Surviving Minnesota!

Happy Sunday all. Ran down to the cities for a grad party on my side. DH ran down to one on his side. (Each of us riding with our folks). Our own kids stayed home and boated And had a lake day while we sweltered it out in cars and 90 degree grad parties. Bums. Jealous more like.

Got to see my sisters city chickens. They are loved and spoiled she is a good hen keeper. In the photo are her 3 birds. She has a one acre lot so city living is a bit nicer for these gals. She has grapes on a good length of fence and huge lawn and some cool shady old growth woods between her and a neighbor. So pretty nice chicken haven.

My chicks are growing out nicely. Head feathers are pretty much in on the ameraucanas and the nh and wellie are close behind. They are waiting for me to carry them out of the brooder each morning to their out door chick play ground under the hydrangea bush. The boys spar and the girls do too a little establishing pecking order.

Sylvia my old high hen has been taking a beating . Her scalp is ripped open and I noted her left eye is milky looking. I think she was pecked and now blinded in the eye. Not sure if it's the male or the buckeye bully. But I think I'll need to roll some heads sooner than I anticipated. I've got these young ones coming up. But I didn't think I had that job until about July. I'll need to watch closely. She stays away from the rooster but she sits on the roost by the buckeye... idk.
I am trying to catch up a smidge on the goings on and am glad to hear I am not the only one having a hard time figuring out this new layout. I am reading posts with quotes I never read. Weird that not everything is showing up. And I am having trouble trying to figure out how to get to this thread as it is the only one I post to or read these days. And I get zero email notifications.
Sorry if I missed anyone's posts. Not intentional.
I did see some new names while trying to catch up so a big HOWDY to those folks that I am new to.
I really do like the peeps here on Surviving Minnesota. A good crew here with so much knowledge yet good fun at the same time. A great thread to be on!!

I have so much work to do as I am sure many of you do to. We still haven't been able to get the garden in yet. It finally stopped raining so now the drying out is almost done. One more turn of dirt and I am in. Hoping in a day or two. My greenhouse is bursting with plants waiting to be planted.
The yard is always needing to be mowed. Constant chore.
We had a fox show up on Friday. Took some chickens and my best turkey. Why do the predators always get the favorites?! I am down to one lonely, blind, mean ol' turkey. A neighbor did stop by yesterday saying he had a stray turkey in his yard and could it be mine. Went over on a long shot that mine actually out ran the fox. But nope. Not mine. Guessing it is the wild one I see from time to time. I have a nice present for the fox the next time it shows up. Lots of pretty pellets to decorate ones self with.

I hope the day treats everyone well.
Yes. This new format is a Pita to find my place in my threads. And because I'm not a premium or golden feather member I have advertisement band in my editor blocking the view and it's not easy to catch typos when I can't see them. And I understand ads. I know money makes websites run. But don't put it over the dam editor. Stoopid.
Oh I forgot to update on the cows.

Our little Bonnie Jean is so pretty. She is 15 months old now. Her horns are coming in nicely. I thought since her dad was a mini that she would be a bit smaller than the regular highlands but she really isn't. In fact, she is just about same as them and they are all the same age. Her coloring looks the same as she was in my avatar. A photo would be nice I suppose. I do not have all the fancy gadgets like you all to snap a pic and post it. So bit of a process yet. Maybe I will work on it. Or Holm could come over for a classic "Holm style photo bomb" :D

We did pick up another Highlander a couple weeks ago. And we learned that this precious cow has a very special gift. She is a magician!! A full sized cow with horns wider than you can believe gets down on her knees and slowly works her way UNDER the fence. This is the field fence strung with wire clips to hold on the posts with electric string. Of course her horns don't feel the shock from the electric and she pops those wire clips right off. she slips under the fence like a newborn babe being born. Unbelievable. I watched her do it. And then the other cows just follow right behind her. UGH!! nightmare!! So I forgot to add to my list of work that fencing reinforcement has been happening daily for awhile now. She has stayed in for about a week but anymore and she is taking a trip to freezer camp!!
It is way too hot today again...

I go outside work for an hour then back in to soak up the AC and suck down a popsicle...This time of year popsicles are my main food......

I am moving chickens and chicks, combining them and sorting them out. I like doing this. I am starting to look at the birds I want to keep and the ones I might want to show.

I am skeeered to death my little SS rooster is going to get taken by something. He has a great tail and perfect feather coloring, his body size and condition will whoomp the daylights out of any other at the Benton county fair!!!!

His only downfall is a slight wrinkle in the front of his comb and I think he has just not grown into it yet. As long as he is sprig free, I will only lose a point or two on the comb.

I have pulled my meek Cream Legbar rooster out of the flock and put him in a breeding cage. I am going to give him a couple girls. The color on him is the perfect cream. His body is not bad and he had a decent comb before winter. He has lost an eye though in a rooster fight. Stoopid rooster maiming each other..

It would be nice to keep each one separate but I do not have the room or time to feed and water all the pens I would need.

I need to get done with chicken stuff so I can get a fence up and get a couple cows. I don't want a bull so I suppose Holm will have to learn cattle AI for me..

Highlanders would be nice but I suppose I will just a run of the mill black or red cow. Not that fussy on breed. Their only purpose will be to make meat for us.

I want more animals but Judy has forbidden me goats or pigs.... I sure hope one does not follow me home and I get in trouble for something I had nothing to do with...

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