Surviving Minnesota!

Saw a coyote cross the road today as a matter of fact. It is also a common deer crossing. My hope is he is not following does with fawns but broad daylight on a deer path this time of year I'm probably right about his lunch menu.
I had my first Guinea hatch about 2 minutes ago. No pips whenever i checked eggs this morning.

DoeandGander I would love to help you out but the most I could do right now is maybe hatching eggs. After I lost Guineas (of course I only lost females) I am short on numbers so won't be selling any young stock.
In my experience, Guineas are fantastic tick eradicators. That said mine were good at self culling. They went everywhere when allowed to free range which resulted in losses to coyotes most frequently. They also liked to roost for the night outside in the Pines which resulted in some lost to Great Horned Owls. They want to nest out in the bush which means losses to varmints. Better get lots of them.
Thanks anyhow! I'm afraid the really young (I believe they are called keet) won't last long here at all. Any other suggestions on controlling the ticks... besides hens and keeping grass/shrubs trimmed... I'm all ears!
Thanks anyhow! I'm afraid the really young (I believe they are called keet) won't last long here at all. Any other suggestions on controlling the ticks... besides hens and keeping grass/shrubs trimmed... I'm all ears!
My turkeys do a lot of picking. But Guineas are by far the best. We rarely get a tick up in the yard after they got out. They just pick all day.
He peeps! Sorry i've been gone for awhile. Took off work all this last week (extended my memorial day) to build 2 more raised gardens. Took all week and right up until 8:30 tonight, but got them done and some plants in. will finish planting tomorrow. i'm exhausted and didn't even get a day of rest on my vacation! back to work tomorrow. hope everyone is doing well. My Cluck-Cluck is not feeling well, I thought it was the heat, but it may be sour crop or something. I'll check her crop in the morning. it felt ballooney tonight, but she drank alot of water this evening. she would not eat though. :( Have a good one everybody!
Morning all

Not going to be here long this morning.

Busy day. Cages to clean, Onions to plant...I am way behind in anything garden related. I got some Vidallia sets at the feed mill.

And Oh yea,,,,The USDA and State vets are visiting me today.....more on that later...
Morning all

Not going to be here long this morning.

Busy day. Cages to clean, Onions to plant...I am way behind in anything garden related. I got some Vidallia sets at the feed mill.

And Oh yea,,,,The USDA and State vets are visiting me today.....more on that later...

Good luck..
I need to add after all the bragging I did about Ed and how luvable he is,,,he turned into a grouchy jerk last night.

Judy and I were having Chicken TV time with the Toads. Ed was there naturally.

Included in this class of toads are the 2 SS and 2 Doms that hatched in January. The SS rooster is going to score around 99.5 points in shows this fall. The pullet will be slightly lower as she has too much white on her.... I am hoping for a miracle olt to turn her darker. BTW Warn the kids @MNChickMom no sprigs on they should get use to a 2 or 3rd place finish..............:lau

Anyways Ed has taken to attacking the young cockerels. He drew blood on the toad cockerel and the SS cockerel is scared to death of Ed, So I know this has been going on for a while... I am thinking it started about the time I saw Ed molest one of the toad girls.

I may be moving Ed into a special room with some PC girls today. I am going to try to get some chicks from him. I got them last year late in the season from him. so I am hoping to get some this year late from him.

Weinerhead has a better body than Ed, but I still want to put more ED genes into a few PC chicks...

Besides I hate having him become a bully.. I might need EJB to come down here and talk to Ed maybe give him a kiss and hug to straighten him out.....:lau:lau
Good morning peeples
More gardening today, I have sun burn from yesterday but I need to finish planting.
I threw out my straw hat last year because it was stating to fall apart and I haven't replaced it yet now I wish I still had it, raggedy or not. Burned ears are the worst!
Good luck Ralphie.

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