Surviving Minnesota!

We branded today, I rode Sneaks and she did pretty rounding up, for this being my and her second time riding her at a branding, even though there was some crow hopping and lots of turning. We have quite a few dry cows they are all going to the ring because it is so dry and we have so little hay after this winter, talking to the neighbors and a lot are taking pairs or dry cows. We only had one bad incident where a cow who broke a hog wire panel last year decided to try and go through again, my dad was standing there and she came at him. She had him pinned in the corner and was just pushing him into the fence and gate, I was standing on the gate beating the dumb B's head. And guess what she did this 3 more times!! The last time she had him so hard against there I grabbed her ear with my left and just kept smacking her, I ended up pulling out her tag, but she finally went in after that. Crappy part is we are not selling her either since she had a calf and pairs are only $200 more then a dry cow right now.. Calves went well, we had about 15 really big ones. After everything was done we have to trail them up to Linster quarter about 3/4 of a mile from the corrals so not to far, and that went better then expected. At first I was flanking the left side and I was ahead of a ranger and 4 wheeler, because they can't get down on the draw. We do not own a 4 wheeler or ranger so Sneaks is not used to them so after we got away from the draw I had them go in front of me. After that she did a lot better with them in front of her. The cows were really happy to be out on fresh pasture. I was the only person on a horse so riding back was awful.. Crow hopping galore and lots of bolting for the whole way home. About half way home I let her gallop for a while just hoping to burn down some energy. She was happy to get home and be let out with the other horses after the day.
And here is the best part, we were sitting outside the corrals all talking and clouds starting forming! About 2 hours later it rained! It is just sprinkling now but we are all so thankful for the moisture!
One of the neighbors said I could have an old grainery of theirs for a chicken coop so I am hoping to go over and look at it sometime this week.
Tomorrow we go to get the yearling Jersey heifer Bangs vaccinated. And possibly take any dry cows to town depending if they have a sale.
So these black chicks came from hoovers rare breed hatchery choice special... what do you suppose they are....
Ticks love long grass and chickens hunt bugs better in short grass. Still no John Deere back. DS mowed 1/2 of it Saturday and Sunday. Need to just do the rest.
Picked a tick off tonight. Darn things. .
Army worms are thick this year. Horrible.
Chicks are growing out fast.
They are grazing outside all day every day with these glorious warm days. Characters. Chick tv is better than chicken tv I think.

Tonight we did bluekote on Sylvia's scalp wound. DD wanted to help. She start squeezing the purple liquid out of the applicator and it ran into Sylvia's good eye!:th. DD felt horrible. We flushed and flushed it as it's a tincture. Had to burn like crazy. I think we got it all out. Rinsed with a eye drop saline as well. That poor bird. And of course she shook her head so DD and I look like purple polka-dotted aliens. She saw the rooster and freaked out. Our docile human fearing rooster is a turd to my Sylvia. He is the culprit. No doubt about it. She is solo. And I know this is often an indicator on who is next Sunday's dinner guest. But I had better retirement plans for her other than a blinded eye, a scalping and excommunication. Poor Sylvia.

Cluckies good to hear from you. You sound super busy.

Ahhh Siggie. :frow Banty can have the cup,I'll be over for the green house:hmm. :eek:
We might have gotten some more rain last night I'm not sure though since I was probably asleep.

Here's some pictures after it stopped raining


that might just save me and I might whomp that kid yet... Hens can have dusky yellow..... TY Banti...

Otherwise, I am wishing I had done a tad less trash talking and a little more hard looking at my birds....

Holm it appears I have 2 of those blue EE....I can't believe Ole's tail color is finally a whole bird color... It going to be hard to cut down in numbers when I find a "mutt" I want to breed....


that might just save me and I might whomp that kid yet... Hens can have dusky yellow..... TY Banti...

Otherwise, I am wishing I had done a tad less trash talking and a little more hard looking at my birds....

Holm it appears I have 2 of those blue EE....I can't believe Ole's tail color is finally a whole bird color... It going to be hard to cut down in numbers when I find a "mutt" I want to breed....
:gig I'm still betting on MCM's kid.
Layers, I am a woods guy..BUT I have to admit your pictures make we want to get on a horse and just ride all day long...or 15 minutes until my legs, knees and back are so sore I just fall into a pile at the horse side...
I will admit I do also like the woods but there's a certain beauty to draws and creek bottoms

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