Surviving Minnesota!

Ralphie your Princess is broody now :he I'm bringing her back to you cause she's a crabby scared thing and that is when she's NOT broody. No way can she have chicks and I don't need anymore anyway :barnie
Ralphie your Princess is broody now :he I'm bringing her back to you cause she's a crabby scared thing and that is when she's NOT broody. No way can she have chicks and I don't need anymore anyway :barnie


Her sister is the one that killed her chicks because (I think) she thought the chicks were stealing her eggs.... and she is one mean broody!

I have been hit with the broodiness broom really hard. Even one of my original Rainbows that has not laid an egg in 2 years is broody....How do you get broody without laying an egg?

She sits in the nest everyday for about an hour them cackles and leaves, there is never an egg there...
Me, I'll take her!
I need more grouchy broodies, especially since I'm out of pens already...

Siht I forgot about the fine print. She would probably be just like her sister, you failed on the cuddling.
A friend of mine has 3 guinea eggs she wants to put under the princess so if they hatched and princess eats them, no great loss.
Siht I forgot about the fine print. She would probably be just like her sister, you failed on the cuddling.
A friend of mine has 3 guinea eggs she wants to put under the princess so if they hatched and princess eats them, no great loss.
Yes, Princess, eat the guineas... Good girl :lau
Siht I forgot about the fine print. She would probably be just like her sister, you failed on the cuddling.
A friend of mine has 3 guinea eggs she wants to put under the princess so if they hatched and princess eats them, no great loss.

But if the guinea eggs hatched under her can you imagine what terrible maladjusted little devils they would be?

You would need to take all the hubcaps off every vehicle to prevent them from being stolen.
I forgot to bring this up and I hesitate too..

I think it should be mentioned because of the health risk involved...

I will not point to any one or two guys on here to take special notice of this..

Really the CDC said all this~
I've seen so many of those warnings recently I can't count 'em all. I don't care, I'm not gonna change what I'm doing because some city slickers ate chicken poop sandwiches and wondered why they got sick...
Of course, this could come back to bite me in the butt later. But I'm still here, aren't I?
The PC broody saga continues... Gloria has left her 3 week old lone chick to fend for itself and tonight the poor little thing has been peeping all over trying to get to her momma who ignores it, the Bitsy chick then jumped into the nest box with Princess and tucked under her feathers and I was afraid to try and take it from her so I turned out the light and left. I hope she doesn't eat it.
The PC broody saga continues... Gloria has left her 3 week old lone chick to fend for itself and tonight the poor little thing has been peeping all over trying to get to her momma who ignores it, the Bitsy chick then jumped into the nest box with Princess and tucked under her feathers and I was afraid to try and take it from her so I turned out the light and left. I hope she doesn't eat it.
Oh my, hope that works okay.

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