Surviving Minnesota!

I read it and did not see how I get my “free”

But of course we have the money to pay for this.. it’s an election year... every election year the politician report we have an extra billion lying around....
However, come December they are going to tell us we have a 2 billion dollar shortfall so they can raise our taxes again.

I wonder why they never use the “extra” money to pay down the 80 billion in debt.. but back to the bees.

I need to find where the bee zone is.

I have changed my bee plans. I am still buying 2 empty hives ( bee box setups). But only buying one NUC. I think it best I just to raise one set of bees and not 2 this year. Having never had bees I am worried I would accidentally kill them instead of making a killing in the honey market.

I will be tapping more trees today and working on my equipment. Hopefully the sap will run. If not I might die during my sleep from “ pillow held firmly to me face” disorder. The WW is not happy about the money I invested into maple syrup production this year.

Last night, I got home from a meeting to find all the new syrup jugs on the table with a note “ they appear to be empty still”.

Also I might have to hide the totes, they seem to agitate her. Elderly women like the WW seem to get a tad more Witchy every year.

She sold four dozen chicken eggs which are to be picked up today. I think I will let her keep that money and not insist it go back in the feed fund, considering it’s the first eggs we have had for sale since November.

I wish I had someone that wanted to buy turkey eggs. I have dozens of them. We eat them and give them to the kids but most people around here turn their nose up at turkey eggs...weirdos
Sell them as DIY turkey flocks?
So how much do you sell turkey eggs for anyway.... Maybe I priced them too high 20 for a dz... never had anyone ask about them to drop the price... someone else had 3 an egg ....south of me
People might be curious, but not $20 worth. Around here that's a lot of money--some places not so much. 🤷‍♀️ Or are you offering them as hatching eggs? Pretty reasonable for hatching eggs, imo.
A snake hen on the work bench.. notice another hen dropped an egg right behind her. I picked it up without getting attacked. I wonder how long she will sit on the golf ball and light bulb?

My hens seldom come out of the rafters so the Toms decided to take their strutting to the hens. Here are all three Toms strutting for the girls in the rafters...

as you can see the girls are not all that impressed with the boys. I did not climb up into the kayak to check for eggs yet this year.
My DH said, "So what do we need to do to get that studio ready?" I heard, "Let's go throw away all your s*** so I can fill up this room with all my s*** like everywhere else." 🙄 Poor guy. Not really fair. All the same... We did talk about this. I never use it because it's too lonely up there. I did say he could have the room (mostly) and I would rearrange the other rooms for painting and pottery. He totally didn't deserve that. :oops:

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