Tell Us Your Random Cross-Sensory Numbers/Colors/Words/Letters


Premium Feather Member
Sep 29, 2023
I got the idea from synesthesia, a condition where certain parts of the brain can lead to other, unrelated parts. The way how synesthetes see the world is incredible, and I wanted to know how everyone else sees it (even if you don't have synesthesia)

For instance, it is common for colors to convey scents, or numbers to be a certain color. For me, (I'm not a synesthete) the number thirteen always seems like it would be red. What about you? Does the scent of cookies seem orange, green, blue, or yellow to you? What about the sound of cymbals? What do you think that should smell like?

(personally, I dislike the sound of cymbals and believe they should smell like bleach or scented air freshener)
Words have tastes for me.

Homework tastes like orange rind - bitter. Blue tastes cold, like ice. Chocolate tastes like, well, chocolate. Dream tastes like cherry Koolaid. Screen tastes like lemon.
Words have tastes for me.

Homework tastes like orange rind - bitter. Blue tastes cold, like ice. Chocolate tastes like, well, chocolate. Dream tastes like cherry Koolaid. Screen tastes like lemon.
I have never once tried cherry koolaid ToT
for me, dream doesn't taste like anything but the word hope makes me think of this amazing raspberry macaron I had one time, and the color blue (not the word) makes me think of the smell that comes with rain (petrichor)

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