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I know the Stewart Longtail person was active last year. I had purchased a SQ 4 month old Blue Sumatra roo from them and it got away from me as soon as I started unpacking it from its postal container. That was an expensive lesson(to open packages in an secure enclosed area). They were located somewhere around the Tyler area and responsive to emails. Wish I could comment on the quality of their livestock other than to say the roo arrived in good condition and was flight capable and flighty. Certainly there were plenty of coulda shoulda woulda's with that experience.

No clue on the OP though as they posted in 2008 and was a different user.

they changed the name they are H and H lontails and H and H longtails is Onagadori ;p shes where my black roo and hen came from
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Oh BTW i am trying to rehome somechicks lavender orpingtons, a vorwerk and 3 silver laced wyandottes (straight run) if anyone wants to do a trade? im always looking for long tails, OEGB , Marans and Legbars

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