
I have EE eggs, but they're still pretty small. They just passed a mini-molt and are starting to lay again, so I expect the eggs to get larger soon.

13 hatched, two more working through their eggs. None of the rest of the 9 eggs have any pips on them.

I wonder if this would work for ducks? Or would it just become mud! LOL

hahah My husband has 2 more places figured out for 2 more coops, and is planning on building another area for them, so we can add ducks, or other birds.

My daughter wanted peacocks, and you should have seen his face. He told her we should find someone who has a flock of peacocks for her to go meet, to make sure she actually likes them... then he leaned over and whispered to me, telling me to ask if peacock males are mean since they can get really big. LOL
You're a very lucky girl. I wish my DH thought like yours.

I have EE eggs, but they're still pretty small. They just passed a mini-molt and are starting to lay again, so I expect the eggs to get larger soon.

13 hatched, two more working through their eggs. None of the rest of the 9 eggs have any pips on them.


Hi!! I'm Back! I have 16 Eggs In The Incubator, 4 of them should Hatch in a few days, 11 should Hatch in a week, and I have one clear. So far so good. 7 of the eggs are from my one Hen, 9 are from my neighbors Hen, the Neighbors Roo though is one of the 7 Chicks I gave her. My original Hen had 14 babies, so I gave my neighbor 7 and kept 7 for myself, well my neighbor had some accidents, her BF ran over a few, and one of the Hens killed some. She is down to the one Roo. I had seven too, but Coons got six of them, so I am down to one Pullet, Not Laying, The Neighbors Roo and My Pullet Are Only 4½ Months Old. Just bought a Silkie, not sure on Gender. And one of my Hens disappeared, no Feathers or anything. On the bright side, I have 4 White Leghorn Chicks.
Thank you! Also, I said 4 but we have 5 hens haha. Six Leghorns all together. These guys are gonna be bred for larger chickens for food. These ones aren't necessarily for food(though healthy culls will be eaten) just eggs and breeding.

I'm not sure how old they are. They aren't "mine" per say. If I decide to add chickens to my duck flock in a year or so(after said duck flock is established), it will be the young from these guys.

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