The 4th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long

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So, I took my Easter chicks to play out in the run all day. As the temperature dropped at sunset, I decided to go bring them inside to their brooder. I've recently turned off their heating lamp... and haven't watched them sleeping yet... Well, I go in to watch them... and they are all piled on top of one another. I'm talking eight big chicklets in .5 square feet. haha! It was priceless. Perhaps they aren't quite ready for no heat?

The story gets better. So then, I remembered I had forgotten my tools outside (I'm building them a coop). When I walked out there, I hear this "chiiirp miiirp chiiiirp". I thought a magpie had snuck into the chicken pen for some leftover scraps. I went and checked... and... it was a chick! I had forgotten one! I guess only seven were inside! Well, I put the last one in and she snuggled right up with the rest... It was soooo lucky I went back outside!

I'm thinking this is a great experience that deserves a name... any suggestions?
Oh, me too. Sweltering. I moved the Easter chicks to their segregation/integration mini-coop this morning.

I also put together a small greenhouse kit. Somebody questioned the necessity for one this late, I should be planting directly in the ground now.

Uhhhhh. I have poultry - the greenhouse is a sanctuary for plants, to protect them from chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys.

At least I hope that's what it will do.
So, I took my Easter chicks to play out in the run all day. As the temperature dropped at sunset, I decided to go bring them inside to their brooder. I've recently turned off their heating lamp... and haven't watched them sleeping yet... Well, I go in to watch them... and they are all piled on top of one another. I'm talking eight big chicklets in .5 square feet. haha! It was priceless. Perhaps they aren't quite ready for no heat?

The story gets better. So then, I remembered I had forgotten my tools outside (I'm building them a coop). When I walked out there, I hear this "chiiirp miiirp chiiiirp". I thought a magpie had snuck into the chicken pen for some leftover scraps. I went and checked... and... it was a chick! I had forgotten one! I guess only seven were inside! Well, I put the last one in and she snuggled right up with the rest... It was soooo lucky I went back outside!

I'm thinking this is a great experience that deserves a name... any suggestions?

How about Magpie? Yeah, I'm original.

I just named one of my blue barnevelder cockerels yesterday - Skippy. He had a tiny limp and when he runs to see me for treats, he looks like he's skipping. My welsummer rooster is named Moose, well because he's built like a Moose.
Not too many of the chickens get names, too many to keep straight, but the geese have been getting names.

The Americans - George, Martha & Betsy (as in Ross). The Africans - Kenya & Ivory. I'm trying to convince DH that the Chinese are NOT going to be Ping & Pong.
Not too many of the chickens get names, too many to keep straight, but the geese have been getting names.

The Americans - George, Martha & Betsy (as in Ross). The Africans - Kenya & Ivory. I'm trying to convince DH that the Chinese are NOT going to be Ping & Pong.

2 of my toulouse came already named Juan & Juanita because the boy I got them from got them from a Mexican family. We named the 2 goslings we hatched Flotsam & Jetsam. And the trio we got last was right after my fiance had insisted on watching the Scooby-doo movie like 5 times in a row so they got named Fred, Daphne & Velma. We have 7 Pekins we just call the 7 Dwarfs because they march along in a line "singing." Our scovies are mostly named after foods connected to their coloring. The runners are also mostly named for their colors as are the calls. The only layers with names are 1 hen we've had for over a year & it belongs to my daughter & the roos who either came named or were named by my son & fiance. The turkeys are named Tom, Henny & Penny.
Hi Everyone! Just thought I would post here in case anyone was interested - I started a thread about my hatch of the Barred/Blue Rocks that I won from Brookhavens for the Natural Egg Photo Contest. Hatch day is today, and several of the eggs are pipping!!!
I also put in more of our EE eggs and Delaware eggs in a second attempt since my first hatch attempt of them failed. FOUR of the EE eggs in the incubator are pipping already, and one Olive Egger, and one ADORABLE little EE chick has hatched already from 3 eggs that had started in the incubator with these, and I put them under our broody Buff Orpington, Little Girl, because we are hoping she will adopt the Rock chicks after they hatch.

Here is the link to the thread if you want to follow along - Prize Barred/Blue Rock Eggs

And here is a picture of the fluffy cheeked EE chick that hatched this morning...

Hi Everyone! Just thought I would post here in case anyone was interested - I started a thread about my hatch of the Barred/Blue Rocks that I won from Brookhavens for the Natural Egg Photo Contest. Hatch day is today, and several of the eggs are pipping!!!
I also put in more of our EE eggs and Delaware eggs in a second attempt since my first hatch attempt of them failed. FOUR of the EE eggs in the incubator are pipping already, and one Olive Egger, and one ADORABLE little EE chick has hatched already from 3 eggs that had started in the incubator with these, and I put them under our broody Buff Orpington, Little Girl, because we are hoping she will adopt the Rock chicks after they hatch.

Here is the link to the thread if you want to follow along - Prize Barred/Blue Rock Eggs

And here is a picture of the fluffy cheeked EE chick that hatched this morning...

Congratulations! I got eggs as a prize from ChooksChick for the flapper contest and they hatched yesterday! Here are my four little cuties!

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