The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Thanks everyone! I'm happy I've stayed here so long. I have never met a more amazing bunch of people like I have here.

Same here! I signed up september of 2013. Not as long as some of you have been on here, but its incredible how much ive learned so far and how many friends ive made! :) not sure what id do without byc!
Final numbers:
47 shipped eggs set
13 hatched, 28% hatch rate.

I need more than 13 to fill the coop! I'll have to have another hatch..Any other hatch-a-longs starting soon? I think I can get some eggs from someone near by with the weather warming up. Just have to convince everyone else to let me hatch more. I don't see what the big deal is...I mean I wanted around a least 20 more would make me happy and hatching seems like the only reasonable way to get them:D
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Yes, I have a LOT of roosters, and they are all over the place right now.  Of the several RIR pullets I bought from the feed store, one late bloomed into a very nice Roo, who is still with his flock of 20 today (minus a few neck feathers this Spring).  Of the 3 Speckled Sussex pullet chicks I purchased from a hatchery, 1 developed a crow, along with sickle and hackle feathers and a nasty disposition.  He begat one daughter and 2 equally nasty sons.  Of the 5 straight run SS chicks I ordered from a popular breeder on BYC, I received only 3, and they were all males (still are).  I have one SS cock that came with 5 hens, and I have three of his sons, hatched last year. There are 5 others I haven't given away yet.  I did this HAL mainly to get more SS hens, and out of the 30+ chicks I've hatched this year, I maybe got 3 to 5 SS pullet chicks I can evaluate for breeding this year. Bottom Line:  I must surely like roos, cuz, yeah, I got enough of them.

I only have 8 full grown that we got last year and all were suppose to be RIR pullets but I noticed one looked a little different early on and sure enough he is MysterRoo since he was a mystery for a while lol.

Do your roosters fight a lot? I don't mind keeping more Roos if they are well behaved
Yay, Razadia! We love you being here!

Still sitting here waiting for my last easter hatch egg to turn into a chick...
This might not seem like a big thing to some people, but I'm pretty excited since I've never been on a forum for this long.

Today is the day I joined BYC 4 years ago!

I don't have my badge yet, but I know the mods are busy with other stuff. So it's ok.
Congrats! Badges are done manually every quarter, so hang in there. If it doesn't show up, feel free to PM me and I can have it added.

Update: I've got nothing new but I do have lots of chirping. Any thing I can do to speed this up??
Nope, they have to do it on their own. Hatching teaches you patience.
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