The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

You got it :)

And yes I am quite far from you. I pack well though, have never had a broken egg arrive and I send extras. I also don't ask much for them :)
Raz, we will get up to the 50's this week. We've been in the 30's in the day, teens at night..creeped up a bit into low 20's for the, we will be in the low 30's at night. I just went out this morning and changed bulbs. To lower W.
My hatching addiction is going full force with this warm weather, mom just came home with a couple dozen eggs (for eating
) and I have already confiscated 2 of them for incubating because the color is GORGEOUS. One is a beautiful olive and the other is a pale turquoise. Mom said I definitely have an addiction
There are a few more eggs in the carton that I am thinking of commandeering, I can't let any beautiful eggs go to waist, right?
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There are a few more eggs in the carton that I am thinking of commandeering, I can't let any beautiful eggs go to waist, right?

:oops: My hatching addiction is going full force with this warm weather, mom just came home with a couple dozen eggs (for eating:p ) and I have already confiscated 2 of them for incubating because the color is GORGEOUS. One is a beautiful olive and the other is a pale turquoise. Mom said I definitely have an addiction :lau

So true! "but...but.... There is a beautiful EE in there just waiting to come out!!"
Raz, we will get up to the 50's this week. We've been in the 30's in the day, teens at night..creeped up a bit into low 20's for the, we will be in the low 30's at night. I just went out this morning and changed bulbs. To lower W.
I just want my younger girls to start laying. A few of them have, but most of them haven't. Everyone dropped off laying last week. Oddity the White Chantie laid yesterday. She hasn't laid since July.

There are a few more eggs in the carton that I am thinking of commandeering, I can't let any beautiful eggs go to waist, right?
Not a chance. SET ALL THE EGGS!

Okay, I'm going to torture you all with the hardest decision you all will ever make...

What is your favorite chicken breed?
I think mine is either Cochins or Milles..
I'm caught between Silkies, Chanteclers, and Buckeyes. I love them too much to pick just one.

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