The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

It's day 17 on my big double yolker egg. The egg is mostly dark, but I can see movement on the side with the air sac and the utherside is just completely black so I can't see if there's any movement or not. I hope that at least get one chick out of this!
:woot: keep us up to date!!
I have a question! So it's day 14 almost 15 on twizzlers eggs, she keeps talking to them, but I was wondering if they can peep this early on to communicate with her?
Nate, Chicks can not "talk" until they make the internal pip. They need air to make a sound.
Good Morning Everyone!!
Sign me up!
I'm going to set chicken eggs in hopes for some Olive Eggers!
Count me in please!
No Secret I even forget to turn sometimes. I just keep the humidity good steady temps no draft room and leave the bator alone
I'll have to try that... Forget turning more often :lol:
I'm in. I will be setting standard and bantam chickens. This will be my first year with the hatch-a-long, and only my second time hatching - the first batch is in now!
i would like to join...i will be setting a bit early though as i have eggs something in at the end of the week. is this allowed?
Welcome! I'd say sure, but I'm no authority:p
I want in. How do I sign up
You just did! Welcome!
I am in !!
I would Like to sign up How do I ?? I will be hatching [COLOR=333333]seramas I will put them in the incubator march 7. [/COLOR]
You just signed up! Welcome!
We will just be hatching what I call "Mutt" chickens....... We have a variety of chickens, with a Ameracuana Roo, a Buttercup Roo & a Partridge Cochin Roo. So, we should have intersting chicks!! For our hens we have, Leghorns, Dorkings, Barred Rocks, RIR's, White Rocks and a Welsummer or two. This is my 1st hatch a long!
Please sign me up!
I set: 34 eggs including a cracked, frozen egg AND the one I dropped :barnie (just to!) 22 eggs made it to lockdown, all showed quality movement at 18 days. 13 chicks hatched, two I put down this morning. - One Silky chick, wry neck with no response to care (and yes the SAME darn line as the rooster) - One white chick, who zipped most of the way then made no progress. I did finally assist, but the chick never stood up and didn't respond to care. That sucks :'( 11 viable chicks to date!!:woot *Please note that between this week and last week alone I was gone 4 days where the eggs were only turned in the morning...and not turned again until the wee hours of the next day. (I turn the eggs manually) Of the eggs that dropped out...there were no discernable connection between ages of the egg; dates at the beginning of gather and days closest to set were affected. One egg was still alive this morning, but was in a gooey mess and the chick would have had issues with curved, stiff legs. It would not have been viable so I called it. I had a higher than normal percentage of malpresentations; breach being the most common. A few of the early chicks pipped and zipped despite being breach. A few of the eggs that were left and did not make it were breach and one was malpresented in the way the chick had it's wing/head/legs. This chick popped out a full day before being due and before any other chick. I was shocked when I stopped to check and he was bootin' around in the 'bator. CUTE!! I was also shocked when black chicks started showing ('cause you all know how much I LOVE black!!) :love The blackest chick is out of a green/olive egg, so it would be from the one black hen we have. :love A quick look back confirmed I had "Mr. Rock" in with the girls for two days in January. I guess he works. :woot And works well....:gig My valentine's day present were these last week... We were only an hour away from a lady who breeds heritage poultry when we went for hubby's knee last week. So I managed to connect with her that day on super short notice...and bought these two cartons of eggs.:yesss: I specifically picked her because of her biosecurity measures. And, well, I took in 4 purebred Silkie roosters last fall from a wonderful lady who couldn't keep roosters. These roosters are from this breeder. I've been very happy with these roosters. Top carton is 5 eggs from her hybrid olive egger (based from her Isbars I believe) and 7 Vorwerk Bottom carton are a mix of Sussex, Australorp, Red Cuckoo, Icelandic, Bantam Cochins, a Bantam Wyandotte and a red Jungle fowl. I'm SO excited!! :celebrate They travelled well on the way home, they've rested, air cells look good...and I'm hoping to get them in by tonight once I disinfect the incubator. :celebrate :woot: YAYAY! Only thing now is...the bator will have these eggs in when it's time to set for the HAL. :barnie Make another bator??? yes! I have the parts. I haven't decided yet what I'm doing. :th I have 80 of my own eggs on deck after I set the two dozen purchased.:oops: So I better get cleaning and disinfecting!! :bun
I want to join. I will be hatching copper marans. Ayam cemani. Showgirls. Silkies. Barninvelder and D'uncle
I would love to join with my backyard chickens. I'm anxious to see the colors I get with my white americana rooster.
I am ready to hatch
What kind of bird is that?
I'm in!!!!!
This looks like one tough chick...just look at the stance!!

It's makes me think of The Terminator...yep "Terminator Chick!"

Quote: I absolutely love that answer. Have to remember it when my older children complain about my chicken Quote (not a chicken hoarder. I just have a space problem.) they will die laughing.....
Love that answer too! So your older children are rolling their eyes too??

I'm gonna tell mine the same thing..."it's a space problem" lol!!!

my silkies from Sats hatch!
just a few, there are tons of yellow ones!

all hatched but one! look how cute!!! love saras chicks


Gorgeous chickies!! And thank you.

Wow! Explosion of people joining in. Welcome everyone!!!!!!!

I'll be doing a staggered hatch. I have 6 mystery GFF line eggs coming in this week, 6 NN eggs coming late next week, and I'll be probably setting 12 legbar or maybe B/B/S Ameraucana eggs on the proper date with my new incubator

BTW: What's the best way to disinfect a styro bator? Just got a used hovabator and want it to be germ-free.

I know,!! It's fantastic to see everyone joining!!!!

I'm taking mine outside and hosing out everything. Probably soap it, rinse, disinfect it with Habitat and let it sit, disinfect again with either rubbing alcohol, peroxide or Lysol. I found Lysol to be quite strong smelling afterwards, not fond of that. I'm leaning towards peroxide maybe... Then soap it again and rinse well. Mine's Styrofoam. I don't want to anything to compromise the eggs we bought. (overkill...most definitely!!!)

SO EXCITING to see SO MANY new people joining WOO HOO



I love that one!!
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OK, roll call time:

What are you planning on setting for the hatch (at the moment - ahz zees singz change, juno?)

I am planning on setting Iowacana project eggs (as many as I can collect), Iowa Blue eggs, some cuckoo Marans for the layer flock, and some Seramas because I tripped and fell on my keyboard and accidentally kinda bought them.

Quail currently incubating, too soon for the hatchling.

I am planning on setting Blue & Black Copper French Marans, Buff Orpingtons, & Wheaten Ameraucanas from my own breeding flocks. May also set some eggs from my mixed flock with a BCM roo - get a few more Olive Eggers from the EE hens in there. And I just might be getting a dozen Bielefelder hatching eggs from a local breeder, and possibly some Swedish Flower Hens and a few Jubilee Orps too!
A few of my Partridge Silkie eggs might happen to roll into the incubator as well... who knows...
Can't wait!!!
I take my wet chicks out of the 'bator as soon as they are completely out of the egg. They mess up the un-hatched eggs... I do put the wet chicks in a "drying brooder", but only if the dry chicks are being meanies.

I do the same. I know most leave them. I just put them in on one side of the brooder that I have separated from the others, if there are others in there. When they are a day or two old..I let them get together.

Yeah, I usually take my wet chicks out of the incubator as soon as they hatch too. I don't want them to mess with the eggs but I also don't want them drowning in any of the water poured out for humidity or being frightened. They sure chirp for their momma a lot, so I take them out and hold them until they are dry and begin to get strong enough to walk around some. While I hold them I help them exercise their legs and neck so they get stronger.

Ok I have 1 egg going to lockdown in the am. Im worried the air cell may be a bit small. O have had the egg laying on its side the entire time, but wonder if I should stand it air cell up for hatching?

I don't think it needs to stand up if it has been on its side during incubation. I'm putting mine into lockdown this evening so now is the moment of truth for my 16.

Well my 6 "test hatch" just went into lock down. They all seem to have progressed wonderfully. I am really impressed with my LG incubator. Also the 3 eggs i rescued from a young broody are progressing nicely also. My problem is i don't know when lock down should be. A couple of them seem to be very close in development to my others and one seems to be slightly behind. I took the turner out and laid them all down, separating the 3 unknowns. I will do normal lock down procedure and when my originals hatch i think i will back the humidity down to about 45-50 and hope for the best. I have those 3 close to the side of the bator so i can just stick my finger in and turn them a bit if i feel the need. Don't like this, not knowing when they should hatch, stuff but will deal with it the best i know how. If anyone has any suggestions feel free to throw your $0.02 in.
Yeah, mine are a few days apart from one another. Some people lock down eggs at 18 days, others as early as 14, so I just decided to do it a bit later then usual so that the later eggs can be turned during those few extra days. Its around day 17 for the earliest eggs so we'll see about the later ones. Some of them were added like five days later.

Hmmm... I can see the appeal in Cochins certainly. As weird as it sounds, leghorns are my all time favorite breed. They aren't rare or fancy at all, but they can be the bravest and most loyal companions, sleek and beautiful, and sometimes entirely skip molt and some will give you an egg every day until they die.

I love my leghorns also. I only have two at the moment, my white hen Sandy and my brown pullet Nascar (she loves to run around in wild circles sometimes). Both love treats, though they don't enjoy being touched (most of my chickens don't). My only problem with them is that because of their high laying ability they tend to get internal laying, prolapse and other reproductive issues a lot. I recently lost Otis, my other white leghorn, to an infection for that very reason.
Found this out with my cockerel when I tried putting him in with the big girls. He's been in with the Blue Copper Marans. I would have left him in there if him was a her. Any way, he was the one to start the fighting. He was doing well letting the ladies know...I'm here, didn't hurt them or follow them if they left. The RIR pullet and he had it out the longest..I was watching to make sure they weren't killing each other. The big boss hen was laying. Waited to see how she did. When she got off of the nest, and I know, she always announces loudly..I went into the run to watch. Boom! He fluffed his hackle feathers up at her, and they met together. It wasn't long before he backed down from her! She probably weighs twice as much as him. He will be 3 months on the 1st. Anyway, she wouldn't leave him alone, even though he was trying to get away. Had to put him back into the separate run. Will wait until I either sell her, or, he gets a bit heavier. ;)
Yeah, its funny when the hens beat the roosters. I have one little rooster, an OEGB, that can chase my Hampshire mix rooster just because he is so confident about it. Its all about confidence and age, not size when it comes to who wins.

I love my leghorns! Sweetest birds, and they give me a lot of eggs! I'm going to the feed store for one tomorrow. I have hatched them, but these are just as sweet, will also pick up a black sex link. Have had issues with them before, being not so nice. My first was so sweet, so I have tried a few times again, hope this time works. I need some black in my flock of layers.
I can't wait to get Black Stars! I just love their coloration!

So put 15 eggs in the incubator 21 days ago. Fourteen chicks out and a late bloomer hatching now. 100% hatch rate can't complain.
Congrats! I hope the same for my 16.

Since you asked

I am hatching isbars, SFH's and isabelle leghorns to enlarge my flock, as well as some accidental LV marans, that just happened, cause I LOVE ME SOME BLUE BIRDS. The silver, LV and buff AM's that are because you showed that gorgeous picture and a couple of penedesencas that also happened by accident.

That should make anybody that was feeling like they have a chicken problem feel better.
Awesome breeds! Why can't I have a chicken problem like that!

My 3 week olds are also fully ingrated now, but my night temps here are above 75 f if it was cooler I would have waited longer.

You are so lucky! It was freezing here last night! Thankfully, its starting to warm up and hopefully my two "weaned" chicks can stay outside for good and not need brought in at night. They are starting to get some much needed meat on them, as they were too thin from the cold and from having to fight with the adults for their share of the food. Ruby, their mother, I don't think stuck with them long enough. Ruby's mother, Susie, didn't either but Ruby got on well. However, Ruby was hatched during the warm weather of summer.
OK, roll call time:

What are you planning on setting for the hatch (at the moment - ahz zees singz change, juno?)

I am planning on setting Iowacana project eggs (as many as I can collect), Iowa Blue eggs, some cuckoo Marans for the layer flock, and some Seramas because I tripped and fell on my keyboard and accidentally kinda bought them.

Quail currently incubating, too soon for the hatchling.

I plan on setting a few local turkey eggs (Palm/Bourbon mixes) and chicken eggs from my own flock (Easter Eggers and Backyard mixes). I may also set button quails but still unsure.
Where is this .. insta .... what is it?  lol

It's like Facebook, but you don't need to put your name in or your address and stuff, so a safer Facebook thing... Lol. I have it becuase it's one way to keep in contact with friends and family, and it's safer. Look it up on your phone, tablet, or computer.

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