The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

I think dimentia might be setting in hard. I pulled the chick out and gave it some electrolytes a poly vi sol with a tiny bit of gro-gel mixed in. Set it down on the table for a second and it scuttled toward my hand. . .on its feet. I swear i need a keeper. I think it was staying squatted down because it was cold. I have a mama brooder heating pad set up in the inside brooder and apparently it was up too high for the littles to get warm.:/ So i dropped it down and tucked the little goober up under it. I might have to retire from chickens to save whats left of my sanity. Thanks everyone for your help.
I still only have 3 chicks out and I see one more has started to zip. Do any of you wait till the hatch is done before transferring the chicks to the brooder? Before I usually take them out but don't want to mess with temp and humidity.

I remove chicks the moment they hatch. If I do it real quick it doesn't effect the incubator too much and it lets me comfort the chick, keep it from knocking into the other eggs, or perhaps slip it back under its mother. With a different kind of incubator you could wait I guess. Mine has standing water in it and I don't want them to drown.

I set 1 goose egg today at 12:15pm

Was it from your own goose? What breed is she?

Test hatch is done, put 11 in, 8 ended uo beinf fertile and all 8 hatched! Woo hoo! Ready for the HAL!

I love the colors. Chipmunk chicks are so cute.

Congrats on the new chicks!
The answer to your question depends on how long it is from beginning to end of the hatch. If it is spread out and the hatched chicks are all dry and fluffy and are getting spunky and playing football with the rest of the eggs, then I will open up the bator and quickly grab the hatched chicks and put them in the brooder. I have a sprayer filled with warm water handy so I can give a mist into the bator to raise the humidity back up before I close it up again. But my bators quickly recover from brief openings. If yours is touchy, be careful about opening. Good luck with the rest of the eggs. I'm hatching with you this weekend.

I have 2 pips!!!
Can you tell I'm excited?
6 of the shipped eggs made it to lockdown. They are 1st import Isbars unrelated to my own.

I have an egg hatching too!

Set my first tray full of eggs in my new Ova-Easy 190 incubator!
I guess this is officially a "test hatch" before the Easter Hatch-along...
these chicks will hatch one week before the Easter chicks. I am truly curious to see how fertility is on these eggs, since they are all from my own flocks and this is the first hatch of the year for me. On this tray are Buff Orpingtons, Black & Blue French Copper Marans, Wheaten Ameraucanas, Wheaten AM x White Leghorn, Marans x EE for Olive Eggers, Partridge Silkies, and a few misc. Marans crosses. So excited to get the hatching season started for our little farm!!!

I love the colors!

Got some feed today and couldn't resist! Scooped up 2 Marans & another buff to add to my collection. They get some Ameraucana's this Friday and I may have to sneak back...
. Getting my hatching eggs Monday for this run 12 lavender ameraucana eggs. In the mean time, I'm enjoying the company of these peeps

I want more chicks too! I might have to go buy some chicken food.

Well my test hach of my pure ameraucana and my ee eggs are a week in and all have veins!! BTW the EE is an f1 cross and she is in with a pure wheaten rooster, this osthe beginnings of my white wheaten ameraucana project (wheaten with dminant white) I cant wait for my f2s


I am so dang frustrated right now, I think Im gonna go crazy. Went to bed about 4 hrs ago and all was fine with my incubator. Wake up at 3am check on it as I take my meds and the temp has spiked to 106. My eggs are on day 14!!!!

Got the bowl of cold water, dunked them all until infrared thermometer read 90 and made sure the temp continued to drop naturally and they did.

Replaced them all back to the trays and closed the lid. I'm still watching, but temps are back to 98.8 and holding. Not sure what else to do. Sure hope my pure ameraucauna eggs and my special barnyard hybrids are ok.
I've had some eggs get over-heated that still hatched. I've never heard of putting them in cold water though, does it work?

I hope all works out well.

I think that I'm going to drop out of the hatch-a-long because I already bought 18 little chicks and just don't have enough room for any more.

I'm sorry to hear that. But congrats on the new chicks!

I think dimentia might be setting in hard. I pulled the chick out and gave it some electrolytes a poly vi sol with a tiny bit of gro-gel mixed in. Set it down on the table for a second and it scuttled toward my hand. . .on its feet. I swear i need a keeper. I think it was staying squatted down because it was cold. I have a mama brooder heating pad set up in the inside brooder and apparently it was up too high for the littles to get warm.
So i dropped it down and tucked the little goober up under it. I might have to retire from chickens to save whats left of my sanity. Thanks everyone for your help.

I'm glad everything was okay.

I think we all have days like that. We just worry too much about our babies.
Finally I have chicks! Yay!

They were hatching yesterday (under my broody Princess) but while I was trying to move her I broke the shell of one egg. The membrane was fine so I brought it inside and put it in the incubator to hatch.

It hatched at around 3:40 in the morning and I heard it cheeping so I brought it out to its mother and it happily cuddled under her.

This is her out of the shell. I named her Sight (for a complicated reason. Something to do with a book called Cracked and a character named Silas).
She's a pretty little bantam.

While I put her out I got a picture of her big sister, Nat (short for either Natasha or Natalie, not sure yet). I think she is my Golden Sebright's chick, though I'm not sure who the father is.

Snart (for Captain Cold) is working on hatching right now. He went cold under his mother because she didn't realize he was there while tending to her other chicks. I brought him in to hatch, thinking he might be dead, but he started talking as he warmed up and now he is successfully hatching.

By the way, the other egg with an opening in this picture is Kojak, and I have a feeling he is dead. Kojak has been like this since I set his egg and I think the bacteria or humidity or something got to him.

Here are Snart's three siblings after their move to the larger crate with food and water for their momma (who was very happy to say the least). From left to right is Sight, Nat, and then my silkies little chick, Roshashanah (or Shani for short).
Most probably haven't heard of this breed. Orust chicken I just heard of it my self yesterday. I got to have some. I'm bidding on eggs on eBay right now wish me luck. This bird is super exotic.
Finally I have chicks! Yay! :woot They were hatching yesterday (under my broody Princess) but while I was trying to move her I broke the shell of one egg. The membrane was fine so I brought it inside and put it in the incubator to hatch. It hatched at around 3:40 in the morning and I heard it cheeping so I brought it out to its mother and it happily cuddled under her. This is her out of the shell. I named her Sight (for a complicated reason. Something to do with a book called Cracked and a character named Silas). :) She's a pretty little bantam. While I put her out I got a picture of her big sister, Nat (short for either Natasha or Natalie, not sure yet). I think she is my Golden Sebright's chick, though I'm not sure who the father is. Snart (for Captain Cold) is working on hatching right now. He went cold under his mother because she didn't realize he was there while tending to her other chicks. I brought him in to hatch, thinking he might be dead, but he started talking as he warmed up and now he is successfully hatching. By the way, the other egg with an opening in this picture is Kojak, and I have a feeling he is dead. Kojak has been like this since I set his egg and I think the bacteria or humidity or something got to him. Here are Snart's three siblings after their move to the larger crate with food and water for their momma (who was very happy to say the least). From left to right is Sight, Nat, and then my silkies little chick, Roshashanah (or Shani for short).

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