The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

Looks like I only ended up with 21 eggs to set as the hens stopped laying when the last of them went broody about 2 weeks ago, and I didn't manage to find anyone to ship to me.
Sorry you couldn't get more, but 21 eggs is still fun.
I'm setting about 20 myself.

Sad news. Candled my eggs and day 8 and out of 31 eggs I culled 9. Some were clears and some had blood rings. Most likely due to the time the incubator ran up to 118F and climbing before I fixed the jammed thermostat wafer. . and maybe also because they are only turned twice daily right now as I have some eggs hatching (staggered hatch). They'll go back on the egg turner as soon as the other hatch is complete (this hatch had 10 eggs and none had been culled).
I'm sorry to hear that.

Show this to hubby....

(I was having way too much fun with the meme creator, and made a few others)


So true.

But also the most awesome feature. A few years ago on the Sheep-L forum, a shepherd from Australia was having problems when a drug gang bought the land next to him. If they were low on groceries they would just help themselves to one of his sheep. They would leave his paddock gates open and the sheep would get out. They tore around on his property in ATVs. He had been keeping us riveted for several weeks with updates. The local police wouldn't help him. I think they were intimidated by the strength of this gang. Finally, he came on one day and told us that they had burned him in effigy at his front gate. He told us that if we didn't hear from him again then he was probably dead. Several of the members called the Australian Embassies both here in the States and in Britain and I think Canada too. Within 48 hours the drug dealers were raided and taken away. That is the power of global friendship!

That is really cool. Its nice to know that people are there to help you.

I hit my limit for gathering eggs last night so I set them this morning! They should start hatching on my birthday


@mlm Mike I promise I won't add anymore eggs after this. The final count is 90 and it's not going any higher.

Here's the rest of the flock(s)

Blizzard and his girls plus Ducky Girl.

Oddball and Jewel. Jet is moving in with them soon. Jewel is starting to look rough. I have no eggs from them for this hatch. @Amberjem this is my dancing roo.

Talos and his girls Nocturnal and Azura.

I'll get a pic of Jet after I move her.

Whoa! Those are BEAUTIFUL birds!

I got my BCM eggs yesterday and set them today in my new to me incubator! Hoping for a happy Easter hatch!!!
Best of luck! : )
Here are my eggs. Set this morning. 21 of them. I have a lot more than that in there now. Had a couple of people ask if I could pop some in for them .. since I have my bator going...ha..ha..they knew it was going, almost always! I don't mind, I just need to figure out a way to separate the three beautiful blue eggs that one brought by, from my EE's when it's time to hatch. They are from a Wheaton A. I am worried that I will have an EE or two that may look like one of those when hatched.
The others from my other friend won't be a problem..they are all Black Jersey Giants! lol...

I had planned on having 6 silkies. Went to pick them up last night. It was a young man that had gathered them from Grandpa's farm. I knocked on the door .. mom answers. The young man was at work, she knew nothing about it. Then she puts her hands to her mouth and says..oh nooo...! My husband was wiping the counter and knocked some eggs off. She went to a back room where he was and asked, how many eggs were in that carton you knocked off? He says..6.
He comes out, I don't think they all broke though. They are out in the garbage. I said, hey, I'll take the unbroken ones. Out we go to the garbage. They had only been out there for about 20 mins. he says. That wasn't my worry of course. First the fall from the counter, then him tossing the egg carton into the garbage can, which was not very full..down they went again. I have two..that I had to gently wash before adding them to the bator that has eggs ready to go into lock down on Tues. Not going to count those two for the hatch a long. I will be happy if they hatch though.

My 21....

I prefer hand turning, but with all of the others added from my two friends, this thing is full. This is how I hatched the last ones from her, in a turner, had 36 to start with. They did well!
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I've got a late entry: 11 svarthona eggs, yay! Thanks to an auction by @KYTinpusher , thank you! Beautiful packaging! All arrived safe with intact air cells! I highly recommend KYTinpusher and USPS special handling!
Welcome to the 2016 Easter Hatch A Long!

hello everyone I would like to join the hatch-a-long
Welcome to the 2016 Easter Hatch A Long!

Got them set ( my eggs) put on just now. So I actually count as being set tomorrow, right?

So what day are we revealing how many we set?
You can reveal your set anytime now!

It's official, I'm in!!

...and not because I have a broody hen....
..though I am hoping for some by hatch time!!

...but because my very, very, very good neighbor
is turning on his Sportsman incubator so I can be part of the hatchalong! I will be setting some shipped MF d'uccle eggs (these are for my great, fantastic, stupendous neighbor's son who loves bantams), some from my Icelandic flock, some from a friend's Icelandics and some from a friend's Welsummers. I will have to post numbers on Saturday!
Welcome to the 2016 Easter Hatch A Long!
Nice neighbor to have!

@mlm Mike I promise I won't add anymore eggs after this. The final count is 90 and it's not going any higher.

@LocalYokel I finally got a pic of Marble for you. It's still gross in that pen, but she was by herself so I took it.

Here's the rest of the flock(s)

Blizzard and his girls plus Ducky Girl.

Saint and some of his girls. Marble is in this pen.

Oddball and Jewel. Jet is moving in with them soon. Jewel is starting to look rough. I have no eggs from them for this hatch. @Amberjem this is my dancing roo.

Talos and his girls Nocturnal and Azura.

I'll get a pic of Jet after I move her.

Thanks, I won't mind if you end up setting more. I would never discourage someone from setting more eggs!
Lovely flock, I love the duck!

Hatching Participant List is Current to Post 6640
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