The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

Meet Silvia the silver (blue), otherwise Babe the blue chicken(after babe the blue ox and Paul Bunyon). My son's name is Paul, so it works out.

She's beautiful!

Just finished my first candling and I had to toss three and I replaced them eggs with some Russian Orloff eggs but all the other eggs I candled had so much life going on with the vines and some kind of twitching gong on it made me feel so good to the bone

I love orloffs. I hope they all hatch.

Woo! My salmon faverolle is running around the brooder this morning strong and happy. Can't take a picture because I am away on spring break. If this chick is a girl, it's name is Nancy after my pet sitter that got Nancy the chick out of its shell and saved it's life. Love watching my webcam with happy little chicks running around

That's so awesome! I'm glad she is doing well!

Well guys if you can believe it. We officially have now 4 broodies and may have a fifth considering it, what in the world am I gunna do?! We already had to make more nest boxes lol. We have three silkies and a buff Orpington(who's been considering brooding since last fall) the silkies are all two days apart I think I'd have to check my notes and the buff will be set tonight.
I have three momma hens and a broody also! Lots of broody pens being set up for the mom's and their chicks so the chicks don't drown with all the spring rain coming in. Broodies love to start setting in the spring.

Re-candled my duds again today and found one was alive! Made me happy I saved them. Took out the seven that were no good. I have 19 growing, including one of the cracked ones! I have not put anything over the crack, but it's moving and growing!
Awesome! I'm glad one was alive!

Congratulations! That's so cool!

I have some news on my 18/24 clear eggs. I emailed the breeder just to see if they could clarify their fertility rates because even though my eggs came through the post it just seemed too many to be clear. She emailed back to say the eggs she has candled are at 50% and below on fertility and are way lower than expected. She has suspended sales untill this improves. Once they improve she is sending me 18 eggs free of charge

On another point I'm picking my dream eggs up on Thursday of Tolbunt polish
That's so nice of her.
And of course congrats on the Tolbunts, they're so pretty!

I had to toss of my eggs because the bator mp spiked to 108 and cooked all the eggs!!!
I'm so sorry to hear that.

Sometimes eggs can survive high temperatures if it isn't for too long. How long was it like that?

3 of the 7 eggs are developing.
A dog came in my back yard and killed all my bantam that I had free ranging including my broody Serama. I was able to save her eggs angle out them in the incubator.
I'm so sorry. That is terrible. I'm glad you were able to save her eggs. I hope they all hatch nice and healthy as her legacy.
As an update on my eggs and chicks:

The four eggs in the incubator were all alive and due to hatch, but again, two were backwards in their shells and drowned even though I did my best to help them out and clean their mouth and noses. It was really sad. The one that was upright I assisted some as well and was doing really well. I gave her (Jean) to Goldie who was already on Rip, but he was too weak. I was really sick and having terrible asthma so I couldn't go out. My Mom went out and moved them for me, putting them into the crate where they would be safe. However, when she went to check on them she found poor little Jean was nearly dead from having been too weak to get back under her mother when her mother shifted. Mom brought Jean in and gave her some TLC by cuddling her close and holding her over a heat-pad. She ended up strengthening completely up and is now doing well back with her mother and Rip.

I'm going to be candling my eggs soon, which are in the incubator, but right now I'm just trying to keep them at the proper temperature and turn them often enough because I want to avoid any more backwards chicks drowning on me. : (

I really want to know what causes chicks to be upside-down in their shell. Is it because I didn't turn them often enough? Is it genetic? Was the shell too small? Did I open the top of the egg a day too early? I would love any suggestions or answers, because I really don't want it to happen again. I've rarely had any chicks hatch naturally in my incubator and now over 50% are upside-down and drowning. It makes me wonder how hatcheries can make any money if this is normal. I must be doing something wrong.
As an update on my eggs and chicks:

The four eggs in the incubator were all alive and due to hatch, but again, two were backwards in their shells and drowned even though I did my best to help them out and clean their mouth and noses. It was really sad. The one that was upright I assisted some as well and was doing really well. I gave her (Jean) to Goldie who was already on Rip, but he was too weak. I was really sick and having terrible asthma so I couldn't go out. My Mom went out and moved them for me, putting them into the crate where they would be safe. However, when she went to check on them she found poor little Jean was nearly dead from having been too weak to get back under her mother when her mother shifted. Mom brought Jean in and gave her some TLC by cuddling her close and holding her over a heat-pad. She ended up strengthening completely up and is now doing well back with her mother and Rip.

I'm going to be candling my eggs soon, which are in the incubator, but right now I'm just trying to keep them at the proper temperature and turn them often enough because I want to avoid any more backwards chicks drowning on me. : (

I really want to know what causes chicks to be upside-down in their shell. Is it because I didn't turn them often enough? Is it genetic? Was the shell too small? Did I open the top of the egg a day too early? I would love any suggestions or answers, because I really don't want it to happen again. I've rarely had any chicks hatch naturally in my incubator and now over 50% are upside-down and drowning. It makes me wonder how hatcheries can make any money if this is normal. I must be doing something wrong.
I noticed I started having quite a few upside down in their shell also. I have an auto turner though. I read on here that someone else had the same issue and stopped turning eggs at day 14 because that's the day that the embryo starts positioning for hatching. I thought that sounded like somewhat sound advice, so I'm following suit (except I stop turning around day 15/16. I have 2 due on Thursday, then the HAL eggs due a week from Saturday. Just my thought, but maybe someone else has either tried this already or has some thoughts.
Good luck!
I noticed I started having quite a few upside down in their shell also. I have an auto turner though. I read on here that someone else had the same issue and stopped turning eggs at day 14 because that's the day that the embryo starts positioning for hatching. I thought that sounded like somewhat sound advice, so I'm following suit (except I stop turning around day 15/16. I have 2 due on Thursday, then the HAL eggs due a week from Saturday. Just my thought, but maybe someone else has either tried this already or has some thoughts.
Good luck!

I don't think the turning can be the issue, because when I have had broody hens I KNOW they do not stop turning the eggs during "lockdown"! And they usually have excellent hatches!
3 of the 7 eggs are developing.
A dog came in my back yard and killed all my bantam that I had free ranging including my broody Serama. I was able to save her eggs angle out them in the incubator.

Too much sad news today!
As an update on my eggs and chicks:

The four eggs in the incubator were all alive and due to hatch, but again, two were backwards in their shells and drowned even though I did my best to help them out and clean their mouth and noses. It was really sad. The one that was upright I assisted some as well and was doing really well. I gave her (Jean) to Goldie who was already on Rip, but he was too weak. I was really sick and having terrible asthma so I couldn't go out. My Mom went out and moved them for me, putting them into the crate where they would be safe. However, when she went to check on them she found poor little Jean was nearly dead from having been too weak to get back under her mother when her mother shifted. Mom brought Jean in and gave her some TLC by cuddling her close and holding her over a heat-pad. She ended up strengthening completely up and is now doing well back with her mother and Rip.

I'm going to be candling my eggs soon, which are in the incubator, but right now I'm just trying to keep them at the proper temperature and turn them often enough because I want to avoid any more backwards chicks drowning on me. : (

I really want to know what causes chicks to be upside-down in their shell. Is it because I didn't turn them often enough? Is it genetic? Was the shell too small? Did I open the top of the egg a day too early? I would love any suggestions or answers, because I really don't want it to happen again. I've rarely had any chicks hatch naturally in my incubator and now over 50% are upside-down and drowning. It makes me wonder how hatcheries can make any money if this is normal. I must be doing something wrong.

Are you counting your days right? Just a thought. Make sure you are not opening them until at least day 21. I'm sure you know how to start the count .. right? Don't start counting your eggs set until the day .. after .. you set them. Lock down on day 18. Leave them alone until day 21 or day 22. I hope you can figure this out. Bless your heart, you've had some hard times. Another thing. Make sure you don't put a baby that's been helped out to the mother hen until you see it up on it's feet. Make sure it is pretty strong. :) Good luck!
What day is lockdown for chicken eggs set on exactly the contest day? I figure most of you will know because I fogot to work it out?


FIVE VIDEOS show Draw Down and Internals post #44701
DAY 18 DIS CANDLES post #43401
DONT PICK THE PIPS! post #24611
VIDEO of zip and hatch AT :
DO my Air cells look ok Day 18? post #31971
Hatching Behavior & How the chick Comes out of the Shell post #34865
I had to toss of my eggs because the bator mp spiked to 108 and cooked all the eggs!!!
oh NO!!!! @cgmaster

Do you have a styro bator? I am so sorry!!!!

You know the STC and Wafer thermostats are easy to install, CHEAP, and can really turn the styros into good bators. How to do so are in the links below.. And I suggest anyone without a fan install one! they are cheap and again, EASY TO DO!!

Adding Fans and Thermostats

6" 240 cfm DUCT FAN for cabinets all sizes click HERE
THERMOSTATS/TEMP CONTROLLERS: *Also see Incubator Accessories and Parts Above
  • Temperature Controller Thermostat Control Switch Unit 1 Relay Output with Sensor CLICK HERE
  • STC-1000 Digital Temp.Controller w/Sensor AC110V Install/Wiring Diagrams post #63789
  • How a wafer Thermostat Works Click HERE & HERE
  • Hot water heater Thermostats, Must get drilled Watch Video HERE & See CoolerBATOR
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