The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

100 % hatch on my backyard easter eggers
. I've been busy, but I finally caught up! Hope everyone is doing good! Here is a pic of newbies!

Yay, they are always so cute. I have 22 in the bator, still doing well. All that I ordered. Will be fun to see what I get this time.
Wow! I have had a busy last few days!
My test hatch started hatching yesterday morning at 10 AM, with one early chick, and lots of pips, and then yesterday afternoon the other chicks kept hatching one after the other!
As of right now I have 32 chicks out of 39 eggs, and 3 of the remaining eggs just pipped this morning.
This is technically the end of day 21 for this hatch. All the hatched chicks pipped in the right place and hatched all on their own! I am very pleased with this hatch, and with my new Ova-Easy incubator!

Here are a few pictures of this hatch-in progress...

The first chick - egg-surfing and encouraging his hatch-mates...

Starting to get a little crowded...

The first Silkie egg hatching...

The Silkie all fluffed up...

Another Silkie - a Blue one!

Lots of empty egg-shells - the sign of a good hatch!

The latest three arrivals - the hatching tray is starting to look emptier...
I loved scrolling down and seeing them as they hatched. Congratulations..nice hatch! I love that blue silkie.
If there is anything I can do to help from northern Idaho, let me know. I'd be happy to send eggs.I have white and buff Ameraucana, but only get an egg every day to every other day from each of the pens. The white pen has 2 hens, Buff pen only has one So far.

You have my thanks. My husband is already planning to get me more as soon as I get over the flu that I caught on top of everything else
I'm almost afraid to ask what's next.
But as for me and my house we shall praise the Lord.
OH my... I candled real quick last night... and I think I have twins!!!

Here's the story: I sometimes randomly grab an egg and candle it and last night was one of those times. I just so happened to grab the biggest serama egg that we got. I never thought this egg maybe a double yolker, probably because I mail ordered these eggs. I've never seen a serama egg before i got some in the mail... so I'm not sure what's considered a big egg... Anyway, so when I first shined the flashlight into the egg it looked weird, more red for its age. I continued to look at it and saw one baby's eye and body. I'm thinking at this point "okay great one is alive and good to go" then as I turn it over I see another!
Two embryos moving separately from each other. Two eye spots and bodies. I was so shocked and a little shaken that, to spare the egg, put it safely back in the incubator. During today's turning sessions I did take how heavy it was compared to the other eggs... Tonight i will candle again to tell 100% if it's twins...

Any tips for twins? I know I'll probably have to help out with hatch... What's the chance they'll both survive? I have helped 3+ chicks out of eggs successfully if that makes a difference...

Hoping they'll be okay...

Awesome! Keep us updated!

I just realized I will have eggs hatching that day and I didn't even try it. I set 8 buckeye eggs.

Welcome to the Hatch-a-long!

I love Buckeyes!

A molten Houdan chick hatching on day 15

Some chicks cant wait to see what is on the other side

Its so amazing to see them when they first enter the world. They may be a little wet and floppy, but they are still so precious.

Wow! I have had a busy last few days!
My test hatch started hatching yesterday morning at 10 AM, with one early chick, and lots of pips, and then yesterday afternoon the other chicks kept hatching one after the other!
As of right now I have 32 chicks out of 39 eggs, and 3 of the remaining eggs just pipped this morning.
This is technically the end of day 21 for this hatch. All the hatched chicks pipped in the right place and hatched all on their own! I am very pleased with this hatch, and with my new Ova-Easy incubator!

Here are a few pictures of this hatch-in progress...

The first chick - egg-surfing and encouraging his hatch-mates...

The first Silkie egg hatching...

Lots of empty egg-shells - the sign of a good hatch!

The latest three arrivals - the hatching tray is starting to look emptier...

Awesome! Congratulations on the great hatch!

@GitaBooks - feel better soon!

I was the last in my family of eight to really come down with the sickness. You can imagine how much fun it is to have a house full of eight people that are all sick at the same time.
Hey all, I just looked at my calendar and did a double take when I realized I missed the annual easter hatch a long! I have no idea where my brain was when you all started setting your eggs. Anyways although I can't participate this year, (setting eggs tonight) I will definitely be popping back in around easter to see all your fluffy chicks as they hatch! Hopefully I remember next year- Happy Hatching :)

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