The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long! my two that have hatched will NIT leave each other alone - like pecking the crud outing each other and they're chirping like they're hysterical but they keep beating each other up!!! How do I get them to stop!? I'm afraid one is going to get really hurt soon!
Luckily they usually can't really cause much damage at this age...If you do not have pips, take them out and move them to the brooder.
Luckily they usually can't really cause much damage at this age...If you do not have pips, take them out and move them to the brooder.

Unfortunately I've got about 10 external pips and a zipper ...hopefully they play nor and leave each other just pecked the other in the eye...already acting like siblings
Didn't we have this conversation? MINE IZ DE CUTEST!

OEGB X Silkie..... But the white spots are just dirty glass.

These are the cutest
Luv the big eyes, super fluffy bodies and little feeties, and the TOENAILS
did anyone else see those?! They are so teensy and white and cute and teensy! And cute!

Here is a group shot. No fancy photos right now. They make
a! I have 14 that hatched for the HAL. Not sure
one will make it..still in the bator with another..a JG.

This little one had wry neck yesterday. Gave it Poly V. every two to three hrs...and it is fine today!
You can see it's messy face. :)

Here is a paint SG that I hatched for a friend.
It has two little dots on the head too.

A big Bubba of a Jersey Giant also for a friend.

... and so are these
The fluffy cheeks is just adorable, and the little feeties hanging down...

Just checking in.. It is moving so fast I cannot keep up. Have three turkeys hatched (not due until tomorrow) Chicks are beginning to pip. 1 hatched. Due tomorrow .
Back to work.
PS I'll be so far behind `by this evening LOL
congratulations to all that have hatched......
PSS 3 more turkey pips

These are also the cutest
but their feets is not visible
so I can only imagine how cute they are...

( ... I might be over obsessed with the feets
) those chocolate fluffy faces!!

I have 4 hatched so far, 3 my own EE & 1 black Orpington bantum that was given to me. Many pips! I'm surprised my EEs are all very light this time, cream colored & stripey.
I've got 4 hatched, 2 zipping, 1 ALMOST zipping, and 5 pips. 24 more to go!! We are on day 20.
15 out so far!!

Now I'm jealous! Did everyone else just have early hatches? I only have 2 external pips so far, and no one has started zipping.
Unfortunately I've got about 10 external pips and a zipper ...hopefully they play nor and leave each other just pecked the other in the eye...already acting like siblings
If they draw blood, then get them out. Wet a paper towel and get a spray bottle with clean water in it.

1. Open the incubator, drop the paper towel in an open space. Carefully but quickly remove the chicks.

2. squeeze a couple of quick sprays on mist away from the pipped eggs and put the top back on, close the door etc.

I have done this quite a few times without problems with the hatch.
Now I'm jealous! Did everyone else just have early hatches? I only have 2 external pips so far, and no one has started zipping.

As of this morning, no pips or anything. But I'm afraid I may have messed up. My temp was a bit on the low side for the first five days. But they were fresh eggs, so I'm hoping it may just take another day or so to hatch.

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