The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

Invest in a Brooder plate. A brooder plate that will cover the same number of chicks is about $10.00 more than a heating pad. The plate will last for years and is more sanitary.

Dare I say that the heating pad cave is a fad?

Sorry, just what I think about them.

The $37.00 dollar plate. These are not as expensive as the Brinsea and are built better.
I had a large and small EcoGlow. The chicks didn't like them very much. Switched to Mama Heating Pad - wonderful happy chicks who snuggle treat it like their mother. Gave away the Ecoglows. Soooo, to each his/her own.

Just had to put my free rangers up in there I closed run. Hawk on the prowl my rooster Thor had all the hens in hiding. He's such a good boy. They like to free range the property and help me water the garden and do chores. But I told them trust you like to live better. So there a little mad they aren't free ranging but there safe. I gave them a head of lettuce for a treat to cheer them up.
The hawks have REALLY been out today - they nest on my property, and I'm pretty sure what's happening is the parents are teaching the babies to hunt. Fortunately, no losses among my birds - I have surveyor tape strewn all over the tops of the paddocks (not perfect, but a nice deterrent).

Off to go stare at the 'bator some more...

- Ant Farm
Finally hit the day 21 mark! This will probably be my last update for the evening, although the incubator is still very active. 11 have hatched, 8 more have pips, no action from the other 11 yet but pips keep coming one at a time so I'm hoping for the best. One chick came out as an absolute bloody mess, I have no clue what happened to it but it's acting completely normal. The egg had a puddle of blood in it, and the poor little thing painted all of the eggs and cartons around him red as he flopped around. What a mess! I couldn't find any injuries on him and he looks fine now so I just don't know what to think about it.

I do have a question, is it normal for some EE/OE to have single combs? Because I'm pretty certain 3 of these nuggets so far have single combs. Some have solid dark legs, some have solid pink legs, others have dark legs and pink toes. They're all so super cute. I think my favorite so far has to be a little white/yellow one with black spots all down it's back.I'll get pictures tomorrow when everyone is a bit more fluffed up. I think I'll also ask the sellers tomorrow what all the parent stock was for these chicks. I wanted them all to be a surprise so I never asked when I got them.
First chick out. Three more have pipped. Really didn't expect till tomorrow as temps seemed low.

One day until hatching!!
...or maybe I'm the only one still waiting for pips and chicks......

No I have 4 OE eggs that were set on the 6th so they haven't pipped yet. Sunday or Monday I am figuring. I helped my mom today and came home to two more quail. Still have about 25 quail eggs that I might get a few more. Had uneven heat in the bator so they are hatching in waves. according to their distance from the hottest heat source.

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