The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!


Awww, so glad the baby made it. So sorry the mom didn't. That had to be so hard to find her like that. I love the color of the baby!
All done.


Originally set 8 Cream Legbar eggs from my own birds on March 5.
One clear/infertile, taken out day 10
Seven went into lockdown
Six hatched (two boys, four girls), one DIS. All chicks doing well (and being adorable). BEST EASTER EVER!!!!

Happy Easter, everyone!!!!!

@mlm Mike @Sally Sunshine

- Ant Farm

Been very busy had a colt born unfortunately mare didn't make it. I was shocked to no end. I was out there checking on the mare at 3 AM she was cleaning up the last of her dinner. At foxtime (sunrise) 630 am 7 am some where just light enough to see. The other mares were up waiting for me as they normally are. I glanced out in the pasture 1/2 way out I saw her laying out there Lifeless. Took a deep breath and walked out there. She was gone. but she had the foal but the foal wasn't there either. I found all the after birth but no foal. My fences are all wire and panels I am trying to figure this out. Walk that pasture 3 times. No baby. went back to house to get something to cover the mare up . had a cup of coffee and a phone call. Totally puzzled. Started feeding my chicken when I thought I saw that dread fox out behind the shed on the opposite side of the field. Another mare was watching very carefully. I thought the horses aren't afraid of Mr Fox. What over there. I walked over there that colt was inside a fence area around the pump behind the shed. There is about a 1 foot space there. How he got in there I have no idea. Totally Totally a nightmare. He is fine No cuts or bruises. Lots of sleepless nights, and hours trying to keep him alive. just came in from feeding 3 AM meal. He almost has the bucket training down.. checked incubators another turkey pipping and some eggs.....Lots of unfirtile eggs. Especially the wheaten marans. Picture chicks and turkeys later today
So sorry the mare didn't make it. That's really saddening. But at least she was able to give birth and leave her baby alive and healthy in the hands of a caring person.
Had 12 Mille Fleur Eggs set, 10/12 made it to lockdown, 9/10 hatched and all had curled toes but all got special braces and are running around. I also put 4 eggs in from a friend, 3/4 made it to lockdown, 2/3 have hatched today. The third hasn't even pipped yet, Hpoing it does. Here's a pic of the new chicks in the incubator.
Okay here are my hatch totals. Set total: 112 Total Lockdown: 85 Hatch Total: 64 Total %: 57.14% Total Fertile %: 76.19%. Not great. Seems to me the larger amount set the less hatch percentage rate I get. Don't know but it seems that way to me.
I feel the same way, I set a lot this time and will only be getting a little over 50% hatched. Last week I had 3 out of 3 hatch, one before that I had 19 out 20 hatch. I'm setting tomorrow and going to try to keep it small so I get a good rate.
Been very busy had a colt born unfortunately mare didn't make it. I was shocked to no end. I was out there checking on the mare at 3 AM she was cleaning up the last of her dinner. At foxtime (sunrise) 630 am 7 am some where just light enough to see. The other mares were up waiting for me as they normally are. I glanced out in the pasture 1/2 way out I saw her laying out there Lifeless. Took a deep breath and walked out there. She was gone. but she had the foal but the foal wasn't there either. I found all the after birth but no foal. My fences are all wire and panels I am trying to figure this out. Walk that pasture 3 times. No baby. went back to house to get something to cover the mare up . had a cup of coffee and a phone call. Totally puzzled. Started feeding my chicken when I thought I saw that dread fox out behind the shed on the opposite side of the field. Another mare was watching very carefully. I thought the horses aren't afraid of Mr Fox. What over there. I walked over there that colt was inside a fence area around the pump behind the shed. There is about a 1 foot space there. How he got in there I have no idea. Totally Totally a nightmare. He is fine No cuts or bruises. Lots of sleepless nights, and hours trying to keep him alive. just came in from feeding 3 AM meal. He almost has the bucket training down.. checked incubators another turkey pipping and some eggs.....Lots of unfirtile eggs. Especially the wheaten marans. Picture chicks and turkeys later today
So sorry for your loss. We lost an amazing mare to colic a few years ago, and while time helps, the pain never goes away. Glad you have a baby that can honor her.
Updated total: 49 hatched, 5 are still in incubator but out of shell. There's 3 remaining eggs that show life but this late its doubtful they'll make it out...but that means I still don't have a final number!

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